The protected Bloody Bay Marine Park lies in Little Cayman and offers magnificent marine life, great visibility, and spectacular bioluminescent corals. I hope my research also helps you make a decision on your next scuba diving vacation.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[120,600],'scubadivegeek_com-large-billboard-2','ezslot_9',102,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-scubadivegeek_com-large-billboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[120,600],'scubadivegeek_com-large-billboard-2','ezslot_10',102,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-scubadivegeek_com-large-billboard-2-0_1'); .large-billboard-2-multi-102{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:15px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:600px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Today, Cayman is one of the top dive destinations anywhere. Matt Hampton was a guest of the Cayman Islands Department of Tourism (, British Airways, which has London returns from 688 (, and the Westin Seven Mile Beach, which . Collect your trip ideas, share with friends or make an enquiry. These hot temperatures start in May and last into November. Though Kittiwake is a very popular diving site on Grand Island, the shallow and crystal-clear waters of the site make it an equally amazing snorkeling spot as well. Originally coined 356, this wreck is now called the M/V Captain Keith Tibbetts after a well-known Cayman Brac politician. Its land area is slightly bigger than Little Cayman with a measurement of 19 x 2 kilometers (12miles x 1.2miles). you are in the right place at the right time to see the very best If you have time, you should also take a flight to Little Cayman from Grand Cayman, and dive at Bloody Bay Wall. Best Time to Dive in Little Cayman. 10 Best Dive Destinations in the Caribbean Drift dives are possible here depending on your operator. This is currently number 20 on the 100 Best Dives list.. It was quite crowded with dive and snorkel boats when we got there, but it was no big deal once we got in the water. They look dark brown without light but the first time my strobes lit one up I was amazed at the super bright rich red color. While the Cayman Islands are famous for its encounters with stingrays in Stingray City where the rays are said to be almost tame, there are many more sites that the islands offer. Do you love diving in the Caymans? Bloody Bay Coral Reef Wall - one of the most beautiful dive sites in the Cayman Islands It's time to head back underwater for another jaw-dropping location: the Bloody Bay Wall. Now large groups of southern stingrays are lurking around daily. is a participant in the Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to For this reason, wreck junkies and aficionados often have the Keith on their to-dive lists. And when it comes to marine life, there is lots to see! From our 24hr helpline to our expert local guides and selection of handpicked reading lists. 4 of the Best Places to Go Shore Diving in Grand Cayman. Average rainfall jumps to more than five inches in May, June and July. And when you have the right product, youre a little bit happier which affects the people around you! The resident goliath grouper is a popular dive buddy at this Cayman dive site. Hop to the other islands by hiring a private boat operator, or better yet, arrange for a liveaboard tour and explore as many Cayman Islands diving sites as you can. As of 2023, you can renew your passport online. Cayman Islands Diving | Scubago You will see a lot of tarpon at this spot, as well as coral and other fish. Located in the western Caribbean, just 480 miles south of Miami, Cayman is perfect for scuba diving and snorkelling, boasting some of the Caribbean's best excursions. Bert Brothers Boulders is one of the most beautiful dive sites on Cayman Brac. There are plenty of great dive resorts available, but liveaboard is the best option if you want to dive around all three islands. It is worth noting however that from June until October is the hurricane season in the Caribbean. This wreck is the only Russian warship that can explore in the Western hemisphere. Exploring this site requires you to initially descend to 18 meters (60 feet) deep where the wall starts. And as you might imagine, the coral-encrusted archway makes for a fantastic photo opportunity. Though scuba diving in the Cayman Islands is mostly known for close encounters with stingrays, it has much more to offer. Theres good diving, with great Walls and of course stingray city, where you can see and feed stingrays. It is because of the sometimes extreme temperatures and rainfall that the Caymans have distinct spikes and dips in the number of tourists who visit each month. You get to enjoy some of the warm weather, which is especially nice if you live in the northern U.S., where it's still winter. Answer 1 of 11: Does anyone have firsthand experience with any of the dive operators on Little Cayman that they will share? Corals and sponges are plentiful. I quickly learned that if I poked at an area with my stick, the groupers would go right there, a great tool to get them to pose right where i wanted them in my reef scenes. Living The Dream Divers Diving Packages | Grand Cayman Thus, you can keep going back and still discover new sites. Scuba diving in Little Cayman and Cayman Brac | ZuBlu This is a deep wall that drops several hundred feet into the abyss. Little Cayman GoPro Video Workshop: April 2023, Best Liveaboard Destinations for Beginners, shifted the Kittiwake from her original position. With over 40 operators and 365 sites marked with moorings, thrill-seekers from all over take the plunge here. But Little Cayman also has good diving including Bloody Bay Wall dive, which means a Caymans Island liveaboard is the best way to experience all the best Cayman's diving. It was named after the famous free-diver Penny Ventura. Located near a popular resort is a vertical drop off that is filled with all sorts of marine life the North Wall. Diving Season: The best time to dive Cuba's Jardines de la Reina is during the dry season, from November to late April, as this time has the most ideal visibility and sea conditions. But these aren't the only good and bad times. PADI Dive Resorts for all budgets, in the best dive locations around the world. Jackson's Bight- Located also in the Bloody Bay Marine Park, it does not fail to provide scuba divers with an amazing dive. Web Visit website. The amazing diversity and dive sites for all levels are just one of the reasons why the Cayman Islands is also one of the top dive destinations in the Carribean. Canyons and drop-offs provide a varied topography making the site a firm favorite with photographers. In effect, there are more registered businesses in Cayman Island as compared to its local population. You will see many sea creatures such as octopus and arrow crabs. Even though July is a popular month, it is not necessarily a good time to go because of the reasons below. During this time, you can expect to see a variety of marine life, including turtles, rays, and a wide array of tropical fish. September can bring rougher waters if there is a tropical storm, and that is also the month with a higher chance of a hurricane, although hurricanes are not common. This is one of the deepest sea-walls in the world. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Cayman Islands Scuba Liveaboards - Here's What to Know I know there are shore dives that can be done, and we plan to do some of those next time. Top dives include the famous 1000 Steps, the Hilmer Hooker wreck, and Bari Reef. U.S. News rates the cheapest travel insurance options, considering expert and consumer recommendations. This site is well-known and popular with divers, snorkelers, and glass-bottom boaters alike. This is a fun dive spot that you can access from shore. The depths start at around 12m/40ft and end at 30m/98ft. While at first the Oro Verde was a complete ship, rough seas and tumultuous weather have dispersed the wreckage. As you enter the cave, you will realize that it is not totally dark as it is illuminated by streaking sunlight streaming from overhead cracks and crevices. These Florida Keys resorts are ideal for family getaways and romantic retreats. In February, the cost is roughly $1,044 round trip . Theyre not timid and as they surround you, these rays seem happy to receive a gentle stroke or two. Diving in the Caymans offers something for everyone, whether divers are taking their very first fin stokes or have years of experience under their weight belts. Find the best and most popular products and review them. No crowds. The best time to visit Grand Cayman is March and April. Exploring its underwater habitats allows you to see an incredible reef that starts at 6 meters (20 feet) deep and slowly slopes down towards a vertical limestone wall that drops down up to 1,000 meters (3,300 feet) deep. The people of the island are friendly and culturally diverse. PADI Dive Resorts for all budgets, in the best dive locations around the world. Three Fathom Wall is a popular night dive when eels, lobsters, and reef squid make an appearance. Naturally, this is also the most expensive season, and reservations must be made at least three months in advance. Share your love of diving, experience new adventures, expand your dive skills, and help save the ocean. No diving trip in Grand Cayman would be complete without a dive at the infamous Stingray City. The best time to go to the Cayman Islands is in March and April because there is spring break from school and April has a combination of warm temperatures and a low risk of rain. We did not make it to Stingray city, but did get to the other must do dive in Grand Cayman - the USS Kittiwake, a submarine rescue vessel. 2. It is possible to go scuba diving in Little Cayman all year round and the water temperature only varies from 21-27 degrees. You will find the Cayman Islands to be very diverse, from quiet Little Cayman, to bustling Seven Mile Beach on Grand Cayman. Both Grand Cayman and Little Cayman have great diving. Grand Caymans North Wall plunges deeper than 1800 metres/6000 feet and offers beautiful wall diving with opportunities to see spotted eagle rays and sea turtles. Aside from taking photos at the solid bronze emblem at one of its 5 decks or at the stern with the propeller, penetration can be done with the USS Kittiwake courtesy from multiple sunlit entries and exit points. With world class conditions and a robust dive industry, the Cayman Islands is one of the best places to learn how to dive. They have ladders that you can use to enter and exit the water safely. If you are vacationing in Cayman Brac, then you need to visit this spot. Intermediate divers can begin their dive at the chimney, a narrow tunnel starting at 12m/40ft and ending at 24m/80ft. Find a Liveaboard -Practical Information - Book a Trip. Exploring this site requires you to descend to 10 meters (33 feet) deep where you will arrive at the top portion of the reef. Both of these sites are accessible from shore. Generally, the off-season is the cheapest time to visit Grand Cayman, from May through November. There is also a small restaurant and dive resort. Away from the reef, divers can look around the LCM David Nicholson wreck. There is a lot of marine life among the coral and resident angelfish and groupers are found at the stern of the ship. Sign up to get the latest updates, offers and more. Top 20 Best Dive Sites In Cayman Islands In 2023, The Best Starboard Paddle Boards: A Brand Guide, The Best iRocker Paddle Boards: A Brand Guide, Blackfin Paddle Boards: The Best Paddle boards from Blackfin, Top All-inclusive Resorts You Need To Visit, How To Choose a Kayak Paddle? If you don't feel comfortable using my referral links, you can always go directly to their site and bypass me. Little Cayman, best time of year for diving | Page 2 | ScubaBoard Our team will meet you at the airport and fast-track you through. The Best Time to Visit Grand Cayman in 2023 | Travellers "High Season" at the hotels is mid-December to mid-April, so rates will be higher then. Everything most divers want. Scuba Divers can experience the world's best 12ft dive site at Stingray City, the beautiful Starfish Point and Bloody Bay . Dive Shop and Front desk is open 7 days per week | 7am to 6pm and can be reached directly on (345)-640-7500 There is decent shore diving from their dock. Our Original Diving experts, made up of marine biologists, divemasters and lovers of all things underwater, know the best time to dive in Little Cayman. This dive site first became popular in the 90s when it was featured in the film The Firm, starring Tom Cruise. Yes, that is true and get ready since the 333 islands of Fiji will take you into a quintessential South United Arab Emirates: Unspoiled Dive Sites. Situated not far from the north point on Grand Cayman, Ghost Mountain is probably named for the behemoth mushroom-like pinnacle that suddenly emerges from the blue as divers near it. But they are sometimes the cheapest months to visit. I thought it might be too touristy, but it was a lot of fun. You can dive from shore because they have ladders that you can use to enter and exit the water. Visibility in the Cayman Islands is wonderful, averaging between 60 and 100 feet (18-30 meters). Little Cayman was first discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1503. It is Batabano, the countrys biggest festival, which is scheduled for early May each year. This island is very small and there is little to do, other than dive. This is a must do dive. With a PADI Travel account, you can favourite dive operators to come back to later on any device or computer. Macro photographers should keep an eye out for the neck and decorator crabs who make their homes here. Hurricanes rarely hit Grand Cayman directly. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a country in Western Asia located at the northeast end of the Arabian Peninsula in the Persian Gulf. 11 Dive Resorts in the Cayman Islands | PADI Travel If wall diving is your thing, check out diving in Turks & Caicos. While Grand Cayman, the most popular island, has a mix of accessible shore and boat diving. For diving, the reefs are easy to reach from many dive operators and offer a diversity of schooling fish, sponges, turtles, rays, and even sharks. Water temperatures are usually low 80's F. Marine life is plentiful and varied. Little Caymans Bloody Bay is home to some of the most dramatic and spectacular drop-offs and swim-throughs in the Carribean. Address. The rainy season spans from May through October though showers usually only last for a few hours at a time. Find & Book Liveaboards Choose from a selection of more than 250 vessels and 18,000 trips worldwide. Dive conditions could not have been more perfect, flat seas (the north side is supposed to be more choppy but the day we dived Eagle Ray pass, it was just 2 feet seas, the rest of the dives were on the west side, where the sea was flat both days), warm water (80 degrees for our stay), clear water with awesome 90-100+ feet visibility (great for wide angle photography). Most people see flights, accommodations, and activities far cheaper during this time since fewer tourists are visiting. The ship has been opened up with large access holes so that you can swim through the interior of the ship. This is one of the top island destinations in the United Kingdom. Seven Mile Beach is considered the most popular tourist area in the Cayman Islands, thanks to its stunning white sand beaches and crystal-clear waters. There are lots of other fish and coral. Cayman Brac Beach Resort. They were all guided dives. You need to protect your fingers from the eager snappers though. We could easily get to reefs and wrecks by ourselves from shore and take as much time as our tanks allowed. Best Times to Visit Cayman Islands | U.S. News Travel From these locations, I was able to dive the west end and also the North Wall. Head to around 30m/98ft for some of the best wall views. Situated on a wide beach on the island's West End, the property offers 40 air-conditioned rooms (renovated in late 2015 and featuring soothing Caribbean . Grand Cayman Diving - Scuba Diving in the Cayman Islands Why? Located 8 kilometers (5 miles) east of Little Cayman is another elongated island that is popular with anglers and scuba divers. Boat rides were no longer than 15 minutes, with most being around 5 minutes. Also known as the Mixing Bowl, Three Fathom Wall is the point where Jacksons Bight and the Bloody Bay diving areas meet. Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac and Little Cayman house over 300 dive sites, making up the breathtaking Cayman dive map. There are 365 dive sites throughout the islands, offering something for all levels of experience. Best and Worst Times to Visit Grand Cayman - From April to October water temperature are at least 27 o C (81 o F) and can reach over 30 o C (85 o F). Below are our recommendations for the best months to dive in Cayman Islands, as well as our suggestions for the best places to dive in each month of the year. While diving is a year-round activity in the Cayman Islands, June to August is considered to be the best time of year to dive Grand Cayman and the nearby islands of Cayman Brac and Little Cayman. Although the rays who made this site their home permanently have moved on, there is still a good chance of spotting them here. Named for the bright orange elephant ear sponges that characterize this site, Orange Canyon doesnt contain a closed canyon per se, but an open channel with lively reef on either side. I make money by sharing links to services that I personally use and recommend. "High Season" at the hotels is mid-December to mid-April, so rates will be higher then. Which Cayman island has the best diving? | ZuBlu The best time to visit Grand Cayman is March and April. As a photographer, I never lacked for subjects both wide angle and macro and anything in between. September and October are clearly the least popular months to go because of a high risk of heavy rains along with hot temperatures. You can see Spotted Eagle Rays flying passed this area from depths of about 30 to 100 feet. Cayman Islands Reservations Phone: (345)-947-0000 Our Reservations Office is located on site at the Dive Shop & Resort in the Cayman Islands. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'scubadivegeek_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_14',101,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-scubadivegeek_com-medrectangle-4-0');The Cayman Islands has a tropical marine climate with two pronounced seasons: a rainy season that runs from May to October and a dry season from November to April. Cayman Islands Diving | Silver Thatch Water Sports | Breakers Divers in the Caymans visit Kittiwake for the wreck itself. You can also go wreck diving as there are some shipwrecks that can be explored like the remains of USS Kittiwake. Crabs and lobsters are among the critters hiding in the crevices. During winter, temperatures can drop down to the low 70s. The sea is always warm in the Cayman Islands, with surface temperatures never dropping below around 25 o C (78 o F). Divers can observe the bow guns and go along the rails to make some great photos. Honduras coast hosts the Bay Islands which is a compilation of eight islands and 53 small cays and these islands are one of the best scuba diving places in the world. Once you decide which route you want to go, it's time to get in the water! It is 330-feet in length, and was sunk in Cayman Brac in 1996. North Wall 2. stingray city 3. There is also a dive shop and restaurant. It is common to see barracudas and schools of horse-eye jacks in this area. The wreck of the Captain Keith is unusual it is the only Soviet-made warship that divers can visit in the western hemisphere. Out in the open, expect schools of Nassau groupers, turtles, and snappers. Located in Little Cayman, the Bloody Bay Wall dive site is noted for its high visibility, rich marine life, and the presence of a sheer wall that drops 2000 meters into the deep ocean. In a nutshell, its an island full of land and water adventures. This 82 hectare (200 acres) protected area is the refuge of the largest red-footed booby population in the Caribbean and is a popular bird-watching site. I would appreciate if you don't as these referral links are what keep me posting and sharing on this blog. You will also notice that this tunnel system has a healthy population of whip corals and sponges that are all tall in size.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'scubadivegeek_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_0',126,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-scubadivegeek_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); Scuba diving in Grand Cayman is not just only about wall diving. This site is my attempt to live the adrenaline my life is missing and be able to live real-life storybook stories with my wife and children. Diving Cayman Islands: Best Wall Dives in the World Here youll find more than 50 dives sites including the famous Bloody Bay. There is a lot of soft coral here, which makes for an interesting experience. Cayman Islands Diving - Caribbean Sea - Dive The World Still great for diving with great walls for all levels of divers and the walls and the Russian destroyer 356 aka Russian destroyer. Scuba diving in the Cayman Islands: an experience of a lifetime Our Original Diving experts, made up of marine biologists, June to October brings . Other highlights include barracudas, yellowtail snappers, hawksbill turtles, and stingrays that sleep in the sand. From Grand Cayman, you can transfer to Little Cayman or Cayman Brac. Through this site,my intent is to be able to sponsor the new chapter in my life as a scuba diver. Eagle Ray Pass is located along the North Wall in Grand Cayman. With the wall beginning at just 6 meters (20ft), the site is popular with both divers and snorkelers. A huge pinnacle branches out, creating a corridor-like passageway that is used by large pelagics cruising up from the abyss. Because great in-depth gear reviews will help you select the right products for your specific needs, budget, and interests. Indonesia. View Map. There is also an air pocket in a decompression chamber that you can pop into and chat with your buddy!! From classic wide-brimmed hats to water-repellent trucker hats, find your ideal style. This is the most famous dive site in the Cayman Islands - and with good reason. It is an amazing sight, and a truly once-in-a-lifetime experience. "High Season" at the hotels is mid-December to mid-April, so rates will be higher then. Ive been to Grand Cayman and Little Cayman. The water drops over a hundred feet. Only ten miles long and one mile wide, this is a place where you can truly focus on your opportunity to relax. If you plan to do some land-based explorations on your trip, you'll have to choose between the busier warmer months (like April and November) or the cooler, but generally cheaper, months in between. It exceeds six inches in August and jumps again to more than eight inches in September and October. Over 200 permanent boat moorings are installed to avoid damaging corals with the dropping of boat anchors. Grand Cayman Island probably has the best diving as it has the North Wall deep drop-off dive and the USS Kittiwake wreck dive. Located in popular Bloody Bay, Donnas Delight is home to some classic Cayman wall diving: Giant barrel sponges, arching sea fans, and bright corals. I have traveled to the Cayman islands many times. I've stayed at hotels and used independent dive operators and I have stayed at dive resorts with on-site dive operations. In general, the best time to dive in the Cayman Islands is between January and April, when the water temperature is warm and visibility is excellent. Wakatobi Dive Resort, a private island south of Sulawesi, understands thisand that shooters trek to this country, one of the most biodiverse hotspots on the planet, to capture images of every critter possible. Besides scuba diving, there are plenty of other things to do on the Cayman Islands. . Cracks in the ceilings let in plenty of natural light making it easy to search the nooks and crannies for the many crustaceans and other marine creatures that occupy the tunnels. A few great choices are the Sunset House Hotel in Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac Beach Resort and the Little Cayman Beach Resort. It seems the dive guides hunt the lionfish and then feed the groupers, so they joined us right away each dive. Stingrays, stingrays, and more stingrays is what draws divers to this Cayman site. Don't forget to visit Stingray City before leaving Grand Cayman. Sharks and turtles are frequent visitors as are snappers, groupers, and grunts. It now rests in an upright position at a depth of 27meters (89feet). This is one of the deepest sea-walls in the world. Clearly Cayman Group Specials - Big savings on 7-night stays! Part of the Bloody Bay wall, descending from the mooring here reveals a brightly colored vertical reef packed with sponges, corals, and vertebrate and invertebrate marine life. If the forecast looks good, they should consider taking a last-minute trip to Grand Cayman if they also spot an attractive discount. Both are wonderful underwater. Seahorses - While the Cayman Islands are best known for their stunning coral reefs and diverse marine life, don't forget about the amazing small critters that call these waters home . that the underwater world (and overwater, if you plan on surfacing However, there are large coral canyons that provide exciting swim-throughs for divers. Bloody Bay Wall is considered the epicenter of scuba diving in this marine park. For water sports lovers, there are great spots for snorkeling including night snorkeling with bioluminescence, options to go sailing or on a catamaran cruise. 1 is a 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom unit. Beginners can enjoy another smaller chimney instead. Grand Cayman has dives for all experience levels, and our on-site dive shop Ocean Frontiers Diving Adventures offers a range of PADI dive courses and signature dive adventures.