
ascension on the bayou flooding

The parish presidents of East Baton Rouge, Ascension and Iberville parishes want the Pontchartrain Levee District to take the lead in a plan t, State leaders are seeking federal support in the aftermath of severe rainfall and flooding that devastated many parts of South Louisiana, dama, GONZALESAbout a week after Ascension Parish President Clint Cointment balked at pursuing post-flood drainage and development changes becaus. Widespread fllooding will inundate most roads in this area, including LA Highways 16, 42, 431, and 933. "Almost a year ago, there was an extreme weather occurrence where there was flooding and Alligator Bayou Road needed to be cut," said Ascension Parish Communication Director Brandon Gatlin.. Flooding in Ascension Parish is caused by headwater overflow of the Amite River, New River, Black Bayou, Bayou Narcisse, Bayou Francois, and Bayou Conway. BATON ROUGE, La. That kind of work could require, Rosso said, dredging out the Amite from its mouth at Lake Maurepas north and then into Manchac. Its why Ascension Parish officials are looking at fixing the issues surrounding New River Bayou. (WAFB) - In May 2021, David Braud had to make extensive repairs to his home because of flooding. The dams extend into Ascension Parish. The process will begin either this Friday or Saturday. Other Ascension Parish Office of Emergency Preparedness released a flood zone map that highlights areas they think will have moderate to major flooding. "The natural flow of the terrain, in my view, is the best means to address the problem, alright? The new pump would also keep that water from having to get through Manchac in the first place, allowing water to drain more quickly out of Bayou Fountain in East Baton Rouge, Monzon said. In 2016, an estimated 17 billion gallons of water flowed over the road and into the swamp basin until the high water could be stopped with large sandbags and other measures. Our elegant and spacious apartments provide the perfect living space, with all the high-end features youd expect. LSU women's basketball bounced out of SEC LSU women's basketball bounced out of SEC Tournament by Tennessee. However, help is on the way with a new drainage project on Alligator Bayou Road in Ascension Parish. Have an idea for a future video? Horizontal Datum: Even before the mid-May storm, residents of the Ridge Road area inside Ascension's Bluff Swamp had aired worries about rising water in the swamp basin from earlier rains in April, council members have said in public meetings. We appreciate our three parish leaders taking this first step and we look forward to more announcements over the coming months. Ascension Parish officials say they cant wait any longer, on Nash Road, this is just one of many small projects that is going to make a big difference for folks who had tons of flooding within the past couple of weeks. Dredging? FEMA's National Flood Hazard Layers not showing? A houses reflects in the surrounding flood waters on Bluff Road as Ascension and Iberville Parishes continue to deal with flooding problems Monday May 24, 2021, in Ascension Parish, La. A new pump station at the Mississippi would draw water from the swamp through New River and a newly dug canal into the "big muddy.". You know its been the same old thing since the beginning, they never really came and did big projects. GONZALES Armed with new data from the August flood, Ascension Parish officials are going to revisit an old idea to dredge Bayou Manchac with. ", Email David J. Mitchell at HXIU}\PpWO,nt"g$M4M *$_enBoxVRa-UU`zq${"/PHQyIFcZCI8VcutVsgo3RYYy&cC~7u-Zm%T81uC;v_GTI. Watch the 2 Your Health report for Thursday, Watch the 2 Your Health report for Tuesday, Crawfish Tracker: Signs of life (and price drops). The, Recently, Broome and Ascension Parish President Clint Cointment, There have been a lot of fights about who should take on the water and flood. Benefitting Baton Rouge: Overall, Graves has secured over $3 billion half to clear the backlog of legacy flood projects and half to provide future protection against flood risks in South Louisiana. Some of the worst flooding along Manchac happens from backwater in the Amite, which pushes water up the bayou and against its normal flow. Winds will ease into the evening. For details. The State-run Louisiana Watershed Initiative hasrecently announcedtranches of projects across Louisiana that are funded by the Graves-secured $1.2 billion federal Community Development Block Grant for Louisiana flood mitigation. So, we are able to establish capacity beforehand and able to take that volume from that basin giving us another option, says Cointment. The parish said earlier this week it was using three pumps, with three more on standby, in that area to facilitate drainage. Saint Amant Swamp will be inundated. The area has gradually become a runoff site for fast-growing parts of Ascension, East Baton Rouge and Iberville parishes but has a limited and congested path for all that drainage water to exit toward the Amite River, the ultimate runoff outlet for much the Baton Rouge region. ASCENSION PARISH - On Tuesday morning, a number of Ascension Parish Roads are closed due to area flooding overnight . We believe our homes, businesses and families should not be flooding. On the other hand, people who study and manage the ecology of the Spanish Lake region said, at first blush, a New River pump might provide an important benefit that has been unrecognized in recent talks. Follow David J. Mitchell on Twitter, @NewsieDave. The FEMA Web Mapping Service (WMS) is down. Rather than fighting, were working with the parishes on solutions like the ones announced in East Baton Rouge, Ascension and Iberville. ESRI's zoom levels must be between 14 and 16 to show National Flood Hazard layers. Congressman Garret Graves (South Louisiana)issued the following statement after East Baton Rouge (EBR) Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome and Iberville Parish President Mitchell Ourso announced their recommendation to improve drainage along Bayou Manchac at the border of the two parishes. Global climate change has also made rains more intense. Visit for access to new EXPERIMENTAL products and services from the National Water Center: National Hydrologic Discussion, Area Hydrologic Discussion, Flood Hazard Outlook and the National Water Center Visualization Services, a suite of geospatial services depicting River Forecast Center and National Water Model information. All rights reserved. Instead, efforts need to be focused on getting the water out and these announcements are the first steps in that process. Follow David J. Mitchell on Twitter, @NewsieDave. Under the leadership of U.S. Rep. Garret Graves, R-Baton Rouge, officials in Ascension, Iberville and East Baton Rouge also have agreed to look at other ideas to alleviate Manchac flooding. Ascension consulting engineers have proposed linking New River with the southern end of the Bluff Swamp at a chronic low spot at La. Thibodaux, LA 70301 % In the latest incident, only some water got over the road before Iberville Parish was able to install inflatable AquaDams on the road, Iberville officials have said. ASCENSION PARISH, La. "So," he said, "anything that we could you know add another outlet somewhere is worth looking at. At that height, water in the bayou would start to flow back into the swamp basin. We never had anything done back here to help us with the water ever. A new control gate on New River would direct how much water heads east, how much heads west and prevent water from backing up into Bluff Swamp. THE FORECAST Ascension officials will likely have to come up with an operational plan regimenting the pump's operation, Corps officials added. <> Days after sitting in on a presentation about the plan with the parish councilmen who make up the drainage panel, Parish President Clint Cointment received a notice on Thursday that he would be terminated as head of drainage. Streets will flood in Port Vincent. When it comes to avoiding a repeat of the 2016's record-breaking deluge and disaster, many communities are still floating ideas. They want to see more work on the bayou itself that benefits northern Prairieville residents directly. After the 2016 Flood, Graves secured over $3 billion in federal funding to protect our homes, businesses, law enforcement, livelihoods, schools and the communities of South Louisiana. He noted other concepts, including a stalled idea in the mid-2000s to put a pump and floodgate across Manchac, just haven't shown the benefit necessary to compete for dollars and generate political momentum. Ascension on the Bayou is located in the heart of Houston, Texas, allowing you to amplify your lifestyle as you are never far from exceptional dining, endless shopping, and exciting entertainment. Gonzales is one of the lucky ones who is staying dry. But EBR says the dams could worsen flooding there. Watch the 2 Your Health report for Thursday, Watch the 2 Your Health report for Tuesday, Crawfish Tracker: Signs of life (and price drops). The drugstore Southern University loses power before men's Senior Night basketball game. Streets will flood in Port Vincent. Stream LIVE news here. NAD83/WGS84, Search by city or zip code. Ascension officials on Wednesday could not say how long Alligator Bayou Road, which is already closed to due the pumping operations, will remain shut due to drainage path soon to be cut through it. The National Weather Service prepares its forecasts and other services in collaboration with agencies like the US Geological Survey, US Bureau of Reclamation, US Army Corps of Engineers, Natural Resource Conservation Service, National Park Service, ALERT Users Group, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and many state and local emergency managers across the country. "The problem is really understanding, you know, what drives the flood risk and where the flood risk is and what's going to change the flood risk is, obviously, complicated or people would have solved it long before now," Jacobsen said. stream "We do believe this project will provide an immediate benefit to Ascension Parish and the surrounding parishes as well," Monzon said. Fax: (225) 442-1736, Phone: (225) 686-4413 x[[o6~7,lEH]EN] E }PdG[y4v_BJNP(og?z'"TEg\'2tf9+z~&D We are committed to helping direct funding toward improved drainage of the Manchac, Alligator Bayou, and Spanish Lake basin,, $8.5 million to acquire the lowlands of Bayou Duplantier for flood retention, $5.7 million to create retention for Ward Creek, $4.7 million for Cypress Bayou green infrastructure in East Baton Rouge Parish, $5 million to restore the University Lakes and reduce flood risk, Overall, Graves has secured over $3 billion half to clear the backlog of legacy flood projects and half to provide future protection against flood risks in South Louisiana.

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