I wonder if it's gone over some limit, how many coins are you pulling data for? Managed to get it work with the coingecko's, thanks Ana! The file must match Crypto Pro's format provided below. You can add new transactions from the + icon on the right, or click on the to view transaction details or remove the whole asset from your portfolio. The brand new "Introduction to Geopolitics" reading provides a structure for thinking about a wide range of geopolitical issues and assessing their risks. Es ist immer schwer, alle Coins oder Tokens, die man besitzt, im Auge zu behalten, wenn sie berall verstreut sind. Just remove that symbol from your list and it should work, please try and let me know how it goes. Die Daten werden ber die verschiedenen Plattformen hinweg vollstndig synchronisiert. Thank you for providing code that works. You can get the ID with a request URL like this: https://pro-api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/cryptocurrency/map?symbol=DXT Once you have it, you use it in requests like this: https://pro-api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/cryptocurrency/quotes/latest?id=11661&convert=USD. Delete any existing copy. Anyway I tried your URL in API Connector and got the following error message: "error_code":400,"error_message":"Invalid value for "symbol": "AGI"" So it looks like AGI is no longer valid. What is the good syntax ? On each of the coins that i am interested in in the price cell i have an ="name of the other sheet"AG2 for example and ofc when i click refresh the price change. This is the system I would have built if I had to build a . At the time of writing this resource, they offer manual addition of a coin which you can track, and see the profit/loss. If i am using Symbol to pull lets say prices for 100 coins. With its easy swap functionality . Auerdem werden dir die 24-Stunden-Vernderung und die 24-Stunden-Vernderung in % angezeigt. Thank you very much for all the time and effort you put into this. CoinMarketCap API and Google Sheets | by Craigory Sparks | Geek Culture | Medium 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. 2. 2. Is there a way to import (from csv) transactions to the cmc portfolio feature. Their historical data view is an excellent alternative to a graphical view. Hier zeigen wir dir den Gesamtgewinn/-verlust deiner Kryptoanlagen zusammen mit dem P&L % (Profit&Loss, Gewinn- und Verlustprozentsatz) seit Beginn deines Kaufs. How do you add trade history to your coinmarket portfolio? Try again later, or contact the app or website owner. install either the app or access the web version, Wenn du auf die anderen Daten klickst, wirst du auf die Detailseite der Transaktionen weitergeleitet. Mach dir also keine Sorgen, etwas zu verpassen, wenn du unterwegs bist. As far as I can see, these are your options: 1) The Listings Historical endpoint returns all cryptocurrencies on a specific date, like this: https://pro-api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/cryptocurrency/listings/historical?Date=2021-01-01&limit=5000&aux=date_added, 2) The OHLCV Historical endpoint returns historical open, high, low, close, and volume data for a list of currencies over a date range, like this: https://pro-api.coinmarketcap.com/v2/cryptocurrency/ohlcv/historical?slug=bitcoin,ethereum&time_period=daily&time_start=2018-09-19&time_end=2022-05-30. Verkaufen: jede Transaktion, die angibt, dass du eine bestimmte Menge an Vermgenswerten verkaufst. Thank you for the suggestion, I just updated the template to accept either IDs or symbols. You need to find a solution because we can't use anymore this google sheet. The easiest way to get started with the CoinMarketCap API is through API Connectors built-in integration. You can do a request to https://pro-api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/cryptocurrency/map?symbol=SHIB,WARS,BTC. There is no shortage of ways in which geopolitical risk can affect a portfolio. Sure, you can use cell values in your request by wrapping the references in +++ on each side. Over 7,000 Cryptoassets Over 800 exchanges Over 500 unique providers Live API consoles for testing Powerful custom functions Customizable workspaces Dashboard widgets Smart lookup Integrated research Load sample templates no downloads required Browse charts and load data instantly Import your portfolio or trading account I succeed in import one or many quotes. Hey Van! Tried this one, but it's still not working Hmm, that's odd, what kind of error do you get? I had difficulties as well since the data is ordered in a different way after importing. Hey there, yeah, there's an example in the article of pulling in specific coins. So hopefully the issue is now resolved. Not a lot of people know that CoinMarketCap also offers a crypto portfolio tracking feature. Q&A for work. Now how do I add trades? Request blocked. The CoinMarketCap Portfolio lets you store all of the information about your crypto holdings in one place. Hello, I'm trying to retrieve a quote for The Graph which has symbol GRT from Coinmarketcap. what are you waiting for? But it sounds like your table is linking to specific cells, right? Wir bewahren nur diese Daten fr dich auf und fhren Analysen fr dich durch. Hi there, please make sure you've entered your API key in the Inputs tab (cell B1), that should resolve the issue. 1. to see unrounded numbers, just click the "increase decimal places" button in the Google Sheets toolbar at the top of the page. I changed it to the coins what hold in my portfolio, but I faced 2 problems: 1. Fortunately, CoinMarketCap has an excellent way to view historical data. My last question is how to get the logo of each one of these cryptos. Auf der Desktop-Seite von CoinMarketCap kannst du mehrere Portfolios erstellen (bald auch mobil!). Are you still having an issue? We will demonstrate this in this article using Python. I just tested and those IDs seemed to work fine on this side. Update: you can now set a starting cell to avoid overwriting your formulas. Crypto Portfolio Tracker Keep track of your profits, losses and portfolio valuation with our easy to use platform. I am working on excel, everything is working fine when I send the following requests https://pro-api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/cryptocurrency/listings/latest?limit=600&convert_id=2790 and https://pro-api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/cryptocurrency/listings/latest?limit=600&convert_id=2781, but I would like a return with 2 currencies usd "id 2781" and eur "id 2790" I have tried the following queries which do not work. In Sheets, open API Connector and create a new request (. CoinMarketCap is a free crypto tracker app that allows you to: Track 11,000+ cryptocurrencies, including: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Coin, Ripple, Cardano, Dogecoin, Shiba Inu hi. Dies ist der Privatsphrenmodus, in dem du die wichtigsten Werte wie den Gesamtsaldo oder einzelne Vermgensbestnde verbergen kannst. Du kannst hier auch den Privatsphrenmodus verwenden, indem du auf das Augensymbol klickst! I think the issue here is that pagination settings only apply to loops after the first loop, so you need to add your limit parameter to that first request URL too, like this https://pro-api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/global-metrics/quotes/latest?limit=1000. You can create a new portfolio at any time. Thank you. Next, we need to input the URL we want to use and setup our API key as a header item to authenticate with CoinMarketCap. Now let's get down to business. Have been using the paid version. I'm currently working with lots of symbols, but there is only one that have multiple coins on the same symbol. I've added all my USDT purchases made through P2P. DataSource.Error: Web.Contents failed to get content from "https://pro-api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/cryptocurrency/quotes/latest?id=9180&convert_id=2781,2790" (400): Bad Request Details: DataSourceKind = Web DataSourcePath = https: //pro-api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/cryptocurrency/quotes/latest Url = https: //pro-api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/cryptocurrency/quotes/latest? I have couple of problems, first my Pagination doesnt change, It is on none and I have no option to change it. Yes, I just purchased the pagination feature, and now I have access to entire coins but just recent information (mostly last 90 days). You can simply type in the cryptocurrency slugs or symbols and hit enter, you aren't limited to those that you see on the dropdown list. Example: https://pro-api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/cryptocurrency/quotes/latest?symbol=BTC,ETH,SOL,FTM,RAY,SRM,SHIB,RUNE,ATOM,BNB,USDT,CRP. You'll see a formula like this: =arrayformula(if($B$9:$B<>"",iferror(vlookup($B9:$B,Data!$D:$AZ,match(E$7,Data!$1:$1,0)-3,false),""),"")), Change the AZ to ZZ, like this: =arrayformula(if($B$9:$B<>"",iferror(vlookup($B9:$B,Data!$D:$ZZ,match(E$7,Data!$1:$1,0)-3,false),""),"")). However, Google sheets is not working or updating because of this error. When you click again on the icon, it unlocks the privacy mode and shows you all the data available. Dezember 2020 auch Ethereum im Wert von 593 USD gekauft. For support please visit the Terramatris website: Custom Google Spreadsheet Development for Crypto Currency Portfolio Tracking. Read about how we use cookies and how you can control them on our. what I want is to have the historical daily information for all coins (their daily prices and volume for example). Wenn du eine neue Transaktion hinzufgst oder eine bestehende Transaktion bearbeitest, bentigen sowohl das Liniendiagramm als auch das Verteilungsdiagramm einige Zeit, um den Saldo neu fr dich zu berechnen. berweisung: eingehende berweisungen von Vermgenswerten oder ausgehende berweisungen deiner Vermgenswerte aus bestimmten Grnden. Hello Ana, I had selected "Append" in the Output mode and due to that nothing gets updated(Date,Price),Once I changed to "Overwrite" then everything gets updated properly. To fix, go to the Summary tab cell B9. Sorry, what do I need to find a solution for? Mchtest du einen neuen Vermgenswert oder einen neuen Transaktionsdatensatz hinzufgen? You should see links to the logos returned in the fields data BTC logo and data BTC logo. What is the best way to connect the fields? I'm not sure what you mean by the example works, but not in your sheet. Join us in showcasing the cryptocurrency revolution, one newsletter at a time. Well be covering some basics here. Same here, enter the amount you received, and you can also change receiving time, fees, and any notes that would help you remember this transaction! Hey Andrew, to update your data you need to manually refresh it or set up scheduling. Google Drive Portfolio Link:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Qx2x3V4BZWE50I-6gyL8dwOS3CpTgpyh/view?usp=sharingGet your API Key here:https://coinmarketcap.com. If you want to learn more about Watchlist, please click. Step 2: Add the script. Thanks. minute by minute data from Cryptocompare: https://min-api.cryptocompare.com/documentation?key=Historical&cat=dataHistominute, Hi Ana- Thanks very much for a great app here. We can confirm that there was indeed a 403 error due to some backend configuration issues on our end. Can you show me some tricks how to solve it? Just add &limit=1000 to the end of your URL to get more. Then i want a real time converter to change the prices to euro as well. But I have some formulas put in the Page 1(limit 5000) and these formuals are lost when I select Overwrite.Could you let me know how to fix the update issue by having Append option as I don't want to loose my Customer formulas added in page1. https://pro-api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/cryptocurrency/info?symbol=BTC,ETH. Clicking on the line of one asset, e.g. and if yes what's the exact code i should type in the app? Get the API link for your coin of interest from the website I mentioned at the top. Phil, I just want to show only the price of the currency in USDT without any other information in one sell lets choose ETH for example. Our multi-query request function can help automate that by letting you cycle through a list of currencies or dates. Du kannst die Menge der gekauften Coins, den Preis pro Coin zum Zeitpunkt des Kaufs, das Datum und die Uhrzeit des Kaufs, die mit der Transaktion verbundenen Gebhren und eine Notiz zu dieser Transaktion eingeben. The price (data.XYCoinname.quote.USD.price) shows a "very" rounded number (for example: 0.56$ is 1$ according to this, altough if I look it up in the data_NoJMES sheet, it shows the correct price) Is there any way to make it show the full value? Portfolios let you track your Crypto purchases, by sharing their performance, gains, and losses over time. What if I just want USD price, 24h % and 7jd % for a list of coins defined by their ID (because symbol is sometimes the same for 2 coins)? How do I pull all the information for coins in DeFi because using, https://pro-api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/cryptocurrency/listings/latest?tag=defi. How do I return URLS only for all of the crypto currencies ? Hi! Anyway, you need to click the "Get Your API Key Now" button at https://coinmarketcap.com/api/. How do I connect Excel to Coinmarketcap Historic Data? Neither method is exactly realtime though (scheduling is limited to 1x an hour, and importapi to once every couple minutes). Thanks !!!!! Hier siehst du die Bilanz von Bitcoin auf der Grundlage des aktuellen Preises, der 24-stndigen prozentualen Vernderung und den Gesamtgewinn & -verlust, oder du kannst eine Liste der Transaktionen sehen, die du fr Bitcoin eingegeben hast. When I try another recommanded endpoint with all crypto, I can find these cryptos but I don't know how to put them on the previous endpoint ? Enter the API URL endpoint to the first URL parts box. That was a bug related to (what should have been) a very minor update. api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/cryptocurrency/info?symbols="BTC,ETH"?logo="BTC,ETH", It is based on what I've seen here: https://imgur.com/a/jMws1fV. Part 1: Get your CoinMarketCap API Key Part 2: Pull Data from CoinMarketCap into Sheets Part 3: Create a Custom Request Part 4: Handle Pagination Part 5: API Documentation Appendix: CoinMarketCap Crypto Portfolio Template Before You Begin Click here to install the API Connector add-on from the Google Marketplace. In 2017, pantera reported a 25,000% return and in 2018, a loss of 41% against all its investments. I don't think CoinMarketCap provides historical daily info for all coins at once. The timestamp from API Connector should match the time you made the request, if not please double-check your sheet locale. Seems odd to me it was working fine and now it doesn't. It's a different feature from scheduling, but it has some data refresh capabilities. celer network. Here, we show you the total profit/loss of your crypto assets along with the P&L % (profit and loss percentage) from inception of your purchase. Is it listed on coinmarketcap.com somewhere? I used CRYPTOFINANCE.ai with Google Spreadsheets for some months now and I want to move on, to be able to get cryptocurrency data by "myself".. Thank you for your help, have a nice day Ana. On the create request screen in Data Fetcher, for Application, select 'CoinMarketCap'. For more information, please see our The "best" thing i thought was to take the api for only certain coins but still i would have that problem in a smaller scale and if i wanna add new coins then here we go again. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 Mixed Analytics, LLC | All Rights Reserved | 651 N Broad St, Suite 206, Middletown, DE 19709, USA, Import ActiveCampaign Data to Google Sheets, Import Alpha Vantage Data to Google Sheets, Import API-Football Data to Google Sheets, Import CJ Affiliate (Commission Junction) Data to Google Sheets, Import CoachAccountable Data to Google Sheets, Import CoinMarketCap Data to Google Sheets, Import Constant Contact Data to Google Sheets, Import CryptoCompare Data to Google Sheets, Import Facebook Page Data to Google Sheets, Import Financial Modeling Prep Data to Google Sheets, Import Google Ads Keyword Planner Data to Google Sheets, Import Google Analytics (GA4) Data to Google Sheets, Import Google Analytics (UA) Data to Google Sheets, Import Google Analytics Management Data to Google Sheets, Import Google Calendar Data to Google Sheets, Import Google Classroom Data to Google Sheets, Import Google Cloud Vision API Data to Google Sheets, Import Google Drive Data to Google Sheets, Import Google PageSpeed Insights Data to Google Sheets, Import Google Search Console Data to Sheets, Import LinkedIn Ads Data to Google Sheets, Import LinkedIn Pages Data to Google Sheets, Import MetalpriceAPI Data to Google Sheets, Import Movie Database (TMDb) Data to Google Sheets, Import Nasdaq Data Link Data to Google Sheets, Import Netflix Data from RapidAPI to Google Sheets, Import OpenAI (ChatGPT) Data to Google Sheets, Import OpenWeatherMap Data to Google Sheets, Import Pinterest Ads Data to Google Sheets, Import Positionstack Data to Google Sheets, Import Product Hunt Data to Google Sheets, Import Salesforce Data into Google Sheets, Import Shopify GraphQL Data to Google Sheets, Import SurveyMonkey Data to Google Sheets, Import Visual Website Optimizer (VWO) Data to Google Sheets, Import Weatherstack Data to Google Sheets, Import YouTube Analytics Data to Google Sheets, Import YouTube Public Data to Google Sheets, Scrape Google Maps Places into Google Sheets (Outscraper), Construct a CRM Dashboard in Google Sheets, Convert Latitude-Longitude Data to Addresses in Google Sheets, Facebook Marketing API Request URL Builder, Get Product Cost From Shopify API in Google Sheets, Part 2: Pull Data from CoinMarketCap into Sheets, Appendix: CoinMarketCap Crypto Portfolio Template, https://coinmarketcap.com/api/documentation/v1/, https://coinmarketcap.com/api/documentation/v1/#operation/getV1CryptocurrencyInfo, https://exceljet.net/excel-functions/excel-vlookup-function, https://mixedanalytics.com/knowledge-base/api-connector-scheduling/, https://mixedanalytics.com/knowledge-base/importapi-custom-sheets-function/, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSOvzpKY_Zbq5vpzFgAXZAnktchaBTJj6_1LWiLbos7jQnJuEmvWfDvYkvafiLTb4OXhjvpn5D_xYIL/pubhtml#, https://coinmarketcap.com/api/documentation/v1/#operation/getV1CryptocurrencyListingsLatest, https://mixedanalytics.com/knowledge-base/api-connector-create-api-request-based-on-cell/, https://coinmarketcap.com/api/documentation/v1/#operation/getV1ExchangeQuotesLatest, https://coinmarketcap.com/api/documentation/v1/#operation/getV1CryptocurrencyQuotesHistorical, https://min-api.cryptocompare.com/documentation?key=Historical&cat=dataHistominute, https://coinmarketcap.com/api/documentation/v1/#operation/getV2CryptocurrencyInfo. I am new to this so I wasnt sure whether it is my mistake or not. Hi! For example; Aion, WAX and Peerplays are all not there, even after I had imported over 1000 coins. ahhh thanks a lot, i made a little bit of digging myself and found the googlefinance method! Du kannst mit der Erstellung deines Portfolios beginnen, indem du auf "Portfolio erstellen" klickst. The data we will be connecting to is stored as a table on a webpage and is not an API endpoint like the Ticker data. Thank you so much Ana, that worked. "The core DNA of CoinMarketCap is strongly aligned with Binance's ethics and culture, from its integrity to its value of freedom, transparency and user-focus. Is there a way to modify the request URL so it displays prices in BTC? Sheets itself also has currency conversion functions, e.g. Importing portfolios from markets Both Binance/Kraken etc. There was an update on AGI to AGIX. You need to use IDs or symbols, you can't mix and match. I think I need to see your sheet to help troubleshoot your issue. Generated by cloudfront (CloudFront) Request ID: xj3pJgljwmuhrszJ0ZsVg2TKhAxpxxWta_QwcaQCAa06i_rfpGEF4A==. You'll need to pull from the ID instead of the symbol. CoinMarketCap is a free crypto tracker app that allows you to: Track 11,000+ cryptocurrencies, including: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Coin, Ripple, Cardano, Dogecoin, Shiba Inu Discover the latest blockchain and NFTs technology trends from top cryptocurrency media outlets. You will be led to the Portfolio main page now. but the time stamp of the data is always old not the actual time I make the request. Here is the problem though. Das Konzept von Portfolio und Watchlist ist aus Sicht von CoinMarketCap vllig unterschiedlich. You probably know that we not only provide our Portfolio feature, but also another feature called Watchlist. I just tried it again in a new worksheet and I get the same errors. Or if you meant you want fewer columns returned, you can use the "aux" parameter described in their documentation to cut out response properties you don't need. Oder vielleicht kannst du dich einfach nicht mehr daran erinnern, wie viele du besitzt und wo du sie platziert hast! If I understand correctly, you have a list of coins in one sheet, and want to keep all the data lined up? How do you update the coins list? You need a different API key when using their sandbox environment, which you can get . Refresh the page, check Medium 's site status, or find. Since the symbol isn't unique, you should use the ID instead. Suggest adding it to the guide. Lets assume we added a buy-in of 0.01 BTC at the price of $51,000 and purchased on Feb. 17, 2021. Antonji_0127 2 yr. ago Tipp! Follow. B. Bitcoin in meinem Fall, klickst, kommst du zur Seite mit den Transaktionsdetails. Where does it work? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSOvzpKY_Zbq5vpzFgAXZAnktchaBTJj6_1LWiLbos7jQnJuEmvWfDvYkvafiLTb4OXhjvpn5D_xYIL/pubhtml#. I am not able to match on the coin name or ID and get the values in the second tab. I would have a list of top 100 market cap coins only on Binance , is it possible ? I would like to put KNC, utk and dozen of others. I think this custom request URL should work, please check: https://pro-api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/cryptocurrency/listings/latest?market_cap_min=10000000&market_cap_max=100000000&volume_24h_min=10000000&volume_24h_max=100000000&aux=num_market_pairs,cmc_rank,date_added. The linked comment you're responding to has an example request of how to get the ID for a specific symbol. Yep, the "Your plan is limited" error is an HTTP 400 error. I read almost your comments and feedbacks. What about if the rank of the coins change, will the connection be wrong or invalid afterwards? Can you provide more details on how to use the importapi in this context? Real-time price data Hi, Thanks a lot for the deatailed document One question i would like to ask is there away to get the price and volume of a coin from CMC to google sheet for smaller time frame like 5,10,15,20,30 min please? Please report this message and include the following information to us. You can see this article for more info on that (check the section called Fast Cell-Based Refresh): https://mixedanalytics.com/knowledge-base/importapi-custom-sheets-function/, Hello Ana, thank you for the wonderful detailed article! I tried your set of symbols and saw the following error returned in the status bar: "Invalid value for "symbol": "MLT"). I just need coin symbol, USD price, 24h % and 7d % I think it's in JMESpath but i don't know the syntax Hi there, you can try this: data.*[].{symbol:symbol,quote:quote}. Hello! Hi, Great work! I tried it again this morning and still failing with that error. I want to add convert for the usd prices that i receive from coinmarketcap via that method. Thank you so much for your quick and helpful response! I'm trying to load all of the metadata for all of the coins and im having problems with setting correct request. Yeah, check out their endpoint for metadata, it returns social links and other info: https://coinmarketcap.com/api/documentation/v1/#operation/getV2CryptocurrencyInfo. For an alternative try this new video and articl. Portfolios let you track your Crypto purchases, by sharing. This can be done using CoinMarketCap's API (Application Programming Interface). Here are other things I've done on Binance: Converted USDT to XRP and transferred that to a wallet in which I cashed it out just wanted to ask if there's a way to get all the coins listed which have a market cap of $5M - $10M, Sure, you can check their documentation about it here: https://coinmarketcap.com/api/documentation/v1/#operation/getV1CryptocurrencyListingsLatest Basically you'll need to enter a URL like this: https://pro-api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/cryptocurrency/listings/latest?market_cap_min=5000000&market_cap_max=10000000. Hi! You don't need to do anything extra, as logo is already included as one of the fields from your original request URL. So, do I have to go to edit the and inser my crypto on the code himself or can I had these cryptos on the recommanded formular ? In order to use the new CoinMarketCap portfolio feature, all you need to do is either. If that isn't clear, feel free to share your sheet with edit access, I can then help you in your sheet directly. Sie klingen hnlich und du wirst dich vielleicht fragen, warum wir uns die Mhe gemacht haben, diese beiden Funktionen zu trennen. Hi Alex! However, when I request that token, I get a quote for Global Rental Token which apparently has the same symbol. and second one ends with no results or no error! Weakness in the yen also contributed heavily to rising import costs, as a widening gap between local and U.S. interest rates saw investors dump the Japanese currency. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Here are other things I've done on Binance: Converted USDT to XRP and transferred that to a wallet in which I cashed it out, Transferred USDT from Binance to Mandela Exchange wallet, then traded it with MDX. Now, my balance is composed of 79.24% of, You can watch as many assets as you want, but you might not actually purchase any of these assets. The way I could correct that is by using the id search instead but that would make me change all symbols to ids. Select an edition. Is there a wau to do that? Subscribe now to get daily news and market updates right to your inbox, along with our millions of other subscribers (thats right, millions love us!) Wir pflegen den Preis automatisch ein, zu dem Zeitpunkt, zu dem du den Modalwert eingegeben hast, aber du kannst den Preis noch entsprechend ndern. Hi Ana, could you maybe elaborate on this solution. Right now I'm running this query: https://pro-api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/cryptocurrency/quotes/latest?symbol=MIST&convert=USD, but it's pulling the wrong MIST. I get a (400) Bad Request when running the update. That will give you the current price of BTC in USD (you can substitute those symbols for other currencies if you like). Join the thousands already learning crypto! I am having trouble with part 5 (to get more than just the top 100). So maybe you can check or post in there for more info. Is it possible to just pull a list of specific coins? Compare price, features, and reviews of the software side-by-side to make the best choice for your business. Is there a solution for this? Sobald du angemeldet bist, findest du "Portfolio" in der Navigationsleiste. Excel Import CoinMarketCap API Data with Query SyntaxByte 8.59K subscribers Subscribe 62K views 2 years ago Import CoinmarketCap API cryptocurrency prices in Excel using a Web Query and. CoinGecko has a /coins/{id}/history endpoint. Now on the CMC Android app, you can see the prices of your top coins follow you around our site. That sounds like it's correct but I can't really say without seeing it. Hi Ana Is there a way to get only current price and auto update the price? Thanks, it works fine but how can i filter columns? Hey Bjohanna, I just tested the file and it worked fine on my end. Input manual transactions both through desktop . Is there a specific query for that. Once pasted correctly, click the Save icon found on the top menu. dusk network , enjin coin, energy web token for these coins telling resource at url not found. Like this coin for instance: "https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/metawars/". Do you mean the timestamp sent back from CoinMarketCap, or the timestamp set by API Connector (info)? I am using the line: https://pro-api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/cryptocurrency/quotes/latest?symbol=. Congrats! Import CSV File. I don't have any other script running. Could you please contact support so I can take a look? Or if you want to see the IDs for all symbols at once, you can use this URL: https://pro-api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/cryptocurrency/map. import requests import pandas as pd import APIKEY url = 'https://pro-api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/cryptocurrency/listings/latest' parameters = { 'start': '1', 'limit': '10', 'convert': 'USD' } headers = { 'Accepts': 'application/json', 'X-CMC_PRO_API_KEY': APIKEY.KeyAPI, } jsondata = requests.get (url, params=parameters, headers=headers).json ()
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