Doctors and scientists say both the Moderna and . Genocides of large populations can also be achieved differently. When you boil it down, both groups share a profound resistance to taking the least bit of responsibility for anyone but themselves and a tendency to blame the victim. The cardiologist said Bigtrees hemoglobin was alarmingly low. Last week, antivaccine activist Del Bigtree posted a rant denying the severity of COVID-19, blaming the chronically ill for having made themselves vulnerable to severe disease through their lifestyle choices, and urging the young and healthy to catch this cold. Heres another way of putting it: How many times have you heard antivaxxers making the argument that, if vaccines work, you shouldnt be worried about their unvaccinated children? The Austin-based group founded by anti-vaccine activist Del Bigtree regularly posts information questioning the safety of the coronavirus vaccines. No. All hes being asked to do is to wear a facemask when in public around other people, to abide by social distancing guidelines, and to wash his hands and/or use hand sanitizer frequently. He was speaking with a frankness that would have been admirable were he not also energetically spreading deadly lies. But heres whats not OK. by Ryan . Discover short videos related to covid lawsuit crimes against humanity on TikTok. At this point, let me emphasize how extremely judgmental Bigtree is in this video, his disclaimers of Good on ya! and Its OK! to those with chronic diseases notwithstanding. Exploring issues and controversies in the relationship between science and medicine. It was one of many examples of TNA and other individuals and entities warning over and over again, early . The reason for this is that the blood of the vaccinated poses no added threat to recipients. Bigtree, nonetheless, attributed the woman's condition to a COVID-19 vaccine, claiming it was evidence that the vaccine is a "DISASTER." At least two weeks after Bigtree shared the video . You probably were drinking a lot of alcoholic beverages and really liked to party and enjoyed your cigarettes and said to yourself, You know what? A Brazilian Senate report has recommended pursuing crimes against humanity and other charges against President Jair Bolsonaro over his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. And the ongoing scandals around the coronavirus COVID19 vaccine are adding even more scrutiny to the industry. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH Expand search. COVID-19 and Crimes Against Humanity: What the Nuremberg-Hague Trials Can Teach Us, A Report Card on the End Times Brought Upon Us by Hindutva, COVID-19: Like in Dantes Inferno, Indians Are Going Through Nine Circles of Hell. "The Grand Jury of the World Criminal Court begins Investigation into Crimes Against Humanity - DAY 1," reads the video's description, writtenby user "Wil Paranormal." Connect with . Bigtree goes way farther than that, though. The Germans were always meticulous record keepers We will show you their own films. What am I going to do? Bigtree said on the podcast. Del Bigtree, founder and CEO of the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), is a leading voice on vaccine risk awareness. Combating the Media Blackout - Two Ways You Can Help! Alieu Kosiah's appeal could land him a life sentence as he faces additional charges of crimes against human . Anwar R was a supervisor of Eyad al-Gharib, who was convicted in February last year for aiding and abetting crimes against humanity in Syria. Lead by example! First, the Sixth Committee has successfully taken up ILC products in the past. You dont get to say I have to take a drug to protect you. You really need all that? Because we could go there. Saying, Del, you need to get to an emergency room immediately, Bigtree remembered. So heres what we do. subscribe to our print edition, ad-free app or electronic newspaper replica here. Measles in Samoa? And heres a version of the video as posted by The Real Truther, with a fascinating counterpoint at the end: Watch #antivax charlatan @delbigtree of @HighWireTalk: Blame #COVID19 victims for their own deaths Encourage everyone to not wear masks Claim #COVID is as harmless as "the common cold" Encourage people to intentionally catch the virus, TheReal Truther (@thereal_truther) June 19, 2020. Del Bigtree desperately needed a transfusion. But she reasoned that standing up for public health principles was worth it, even if she risked losing the job that allowed her to live close to her hometown and help her parents with their farm. In the case of Milosevic, all national ideals, notes Del Ponte, were made to serve one mans aspirations: An excellent tactician, a mediocre strategist, Milosevic did nothing but pursue his ambition at the price of unspeakable suffering inflicted on those who opposed him or who represented a threat to his personal strategy for power. It must also reach men who possess themselves of great power and make deliberate and concerted use of it to set in motion evils which leave no home in the world untouched.. Its also, Ive noticed, very typical of COVID-19 deniers, many of whose attitude seems to be, Screw the old and chronically ill, I need to golf and get a haircut! Indeed, this attitude started to take root fairly early in the pandemic, when a number of politicians of a certain political bent (you know which one) argued in essence that we need to sacrifice grandpa and grandma in order to save the economy. He also seems unconcerned that COVID-19 could well lead to more deaths from cancer, due to delays in treatment. The Allahabad high court was making exactly the same point. It occurred to me as I watched this video that theres one other characteristic that antivaxxers share with COVID-19 deniers: Victim blaming and an utter lack of concern for those with chronic health problems. Bigtree returned on June 4. Bigtree received the single unit, which gave him the same lift as safely as he would have received from the blood of a vaccinated person, without all the phone . Thank God theres drugs out there! Well, I must have, like, COVID, he recalled telling himself in mid-May. (Yes, Im going there.). We were running tests on everything, but what it ultimately appears to have come down to is really Occams razor, which is the simplest answer, Bigtree said. Bigtree reasoned that cancer surgeries would sometimes require blood transfusions. You have diabetes. As Ive documented for a long time, antivaxxers are hostile to the very idea of public health, other than letting nature take its course and producing natural herd immunity at a horrific cost in terms of suffering and death. For instance, in my own state, antivaccine-sympathetic legislators proposed a law that would have made it much more difficult to remove vulnerable unvaccinated students from school in the middle of an outbreak and removed a lot of flexibility to respond to outbreaks. For example, the Statute of the International Criminal Court defines a crime against humanity as any of a series of acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic . Wearing masks and contact tracing, with targeted quarantines, are thought to be our best options to be able to emerge from lockdowns and revive the economy, and yet the unholy alliance of antivaxxers and COVID-19 conspiracy theorists feverishly resist these measures, too. Whether or not its just the 20% of us and maybe were not even in that category, lets give it a college try to catch this cold, so that we can protect the pharmaceutical-dependent amongst us! In reality, the percentage of cases of COVID-19 that remain asymptomatic is probably 30-50%, and these people with asymptomatic infection can still transmit the disease. I once coined a term, the central dogma of alternative medicine, to describe the belief that we have near-total control over our health through lifestyle, such as diet, activity, exercise, and a Secret-like belief that wishing makes it so. You made your choice. You have heart disease. Before I go on, I feel obligated to point out that the evidence that this idea that, if only antivaxxers could see the pain, suffering, and death caused by infectious diseases, antivaxxers would come to their senses, was revealed fairly clearly to be a myth long before COVID-19 hit the US earlier this year. Meanwhile, across the US, in response to the measles outbreak in Brooklyn, antivaxxers denied responsibility, even though they had promoted fear mongering about MMR. Get through the day! Of course, hes also refusing to wear a mask and social distanceIll give him the benefit of the doubt that hes not refusing to wash his damned handsbut primarily hes saying he refuses to be vaccinated against coronavirus once there is a vaccine. How many times have I suggested this? In June, anti-vaccine activist Del Bigtree described COVID-19 as a "cold," blamed . He in the meantime hit the road, taking his anti-vax message to Connecticut and Minnesota, placing others at risk of contracting the illness that now left him fearful even after a negative test. Its Not Enough to Say the Govt Has Failed. The disclaimer was specific to the video and does not apply to Bigtrees false claim in his post that COVID-19 vaccines have been a DISASTER., Bigtrees Facebook page also shared footage from a separate January 6 Washington, D.C., event called the Global Frontline Nurses Summit. The speakers shared dangerous COVID-19 misinformation, including that COVID-19 patients can be successfully treated with holistic methods such as ozone therapy. He contacted some doctor friends to get the Ivermectin protocol. The FDA has approved use of the drug to treat head lice and some parasitic worms, but not COVID. The effort turned particularly deadly for those of all ages during the pandemic. I mean, what are the odds? If you are a potential patient and found this page through a Google search, please check out Dr. Gorski's biographical information, disclaimers regarding his writings, and notice to patients here. When Bigtree joined the program, he made the baseless assertion that recipients of COVID-19 vaccines may face up to a 50% mortality rate if they ever encounter another coronavirus in their lifetimes, echoing a claim that originated from toxic conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. Amy Acton Fan Club yard signs. He also falsely claimed that COVID-19 can be cured by hydroxychloroquine. Im being sarcastic, of course. What difference does it make? Saying that he stood with supporters of Donald Trump who refuse to wear masks and commenting on the size of his crowd, Bigtree also bragged that he has been to more superspreader events than almost anyone I know before falsely claiming that there is no such thing as asymptomatic spread of COVID-19. Last week, antivaccine activist Del Bigtree posted a rant denying the severity of COVID-19, blaming the chronically ill for having made themselves vulnerable to severe disease through their lifestyle choices, and urging the young and healthy to "catch this cold". Lock yourself in your basement. I was really, really not feeling well at all at that point, he recalled. by Richard Dicker and Paloma van Groll. You dont get to say I have to lock myself in a basement and destroy my career and take away my own ability to feed children because you are pharmaceutical dependent. The speaker added, The truth is our bodies take on viruses to help detox and push out toxins from our bodies. Today, I explain how the legal structure, scientific experimentation, surveillance and mandate state, and quest for genocide is even stronger than in 2020. You think COVID is over? Oliver O'Connell 23 January 2022 17:51 1642960830 On December 17, Bigtree shared a Reddit post about a Tennessee nurse who fainted shortly after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine as supposed evidence that the vaccine is not safe. As has been widely reported, the nurses reaction was caused by a health condition she experiences -- syncopal episodes -- where pain, no matter how minor, can cause her to faint. Kennedy falsely claimed that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines alter the function of your genes, potentially causing autoimmune disease in recipients. willingly infect themselves and then use treatments that have not been proven effective against Covid . The two trials are manifestoes for our time. But they express no concerns at all regarding those who have received MRNA vaccines such as Moderna and Pfizer. Jackson is implying that we must learn from Nazi criminals and those like them, that we should watch the work of the parties, that we must exercise eternal vigilance against the loss of freedoms and the work of spontaneous mobs and party cadres. For, there are early signs of how the party and its state would operate, slowly normalising discrimination and oppression: The persecution policy against the Jews commenced with nonviolent measures, such as disfranchisement and discriminations against their religion, and the placing of impediments in the way of success in economic life. UN Talks on Crimes Against Humanity Treaty Make Progress, But Also Reveal Hurdles.
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