
edible plants in the uinta mountains

This booklet was compiled by Wyoming Natural Diversity Database lead botanist Bonnie Heidel, along with the Biodiversity Institute, Bureau of Land Management, and U.S. Forest Service for publication by Wyoming Extension Service. We highly recommend enrolling in a foraging course and reading a field guide, like the Foraging for Survival: Edible Wild Plants of North America, for more detailed guidance.Furthermore, while many of the plants on our list are fairly easy to identify, its important to note that misidentifying plants can be dangerous. 2023 by Nature Org. River, believing Mount Watson was to their right, when in reality it was Long Ridge. The range also provides water for surrounding communities as well as the Wasatch Front. Cloaked with thick coniferous forests and dotted with over 1,000 mountain lakes the area is absolutely teaming with biological life. E 39 So, if you want to harvest ramps, just cut the leaves above the base of the bulb to allow the bulb to grow back next year. smartweed 43 But, since there are so many different types of mulberry trees, wed recommend getting a book like Elias and Dykemans Edible Wild Plants to help you with identification. The Appalachian Trail is one of the worlds premier long-distance hiking destinations. I started learning about wild edibles in 2010 when a good friend by the name of Scott Smith (One of the greatest men I've ever known) asked me to Take part in a youth group activity for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I will continue to try and share this information about wild edible plants and the medicinal uses of these plants as I find that information. Happy foraging to all of you. Reviewed in the United States on March 3, 2022, I did not know the weeds in my yard was actually edible abundance, Reviewed in the United States on December 13, 2021. By early summer Search and Rescue teams were back in the area attempting to discover what Ancient Exhumed River Channels of the Morrison and Cedar Mtn Formations, Commonly Asked Questions About Utah's Great Salt Lake & Lake Bonneville, Glad You Asked: Igneous, Sedimentary, & Metamorphic Rocks. Another very tasty option while you hike, wood sorrel (also called oxalis) is a type of edible green leaf that you can find in forested terrain. Squaw apple 45 Tall mustard 50 The variety is tender and yummy and can produce two crops a year like some of those in our own back yards. 53, 59 Quercus gambelii 34 Crataegus rivularis 20 Q Since these effectively taste like garlic, theyre a great addition to most savory meals. You can find it in damp areas along the majority of the Appalachian Trail, particularly in forested terrain. . Mahonia fremontii 21 Barnyards & Backyards, Fall 2017, pages 25 &27. Since it was difficult for me to find through books and online research the information 2 clearly identify these plans I soon decided to make a website to show the plans and their identification. I learned a lot. Strawberry 56 edible plants in the uinta mountains Your cart is currently empty. This is a great tasting plant in early spring when it is young and I even like its spicy flavor later in spring before it gets too old in the heat. , Dimensions Typha domingensis 9 Fanweed 17 Field pennycress 17 Indian lettuce 29 Schoenoplectus acutus 49 I started this research in my local area of Utah, primarily the desert, by accident almost. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. This is a University of Wyoming Extension Publication along with the USDA and University of Montana Extension. A few plants are found above timberline on the very highest peaks, such as Kings Peak (13,538 feet), Mount Timpanogos (11,750 feet), and Mount Nebo (11,871 feet). Cicuta 3 Prepare botanical medicines like pharmacists of the past - correctly! I use a gloved hand to hold the prickly stems and pick with the other hand. L Shipping cost, delivery date, and order total (including tax) shown at checkout. body temperatures began dropping, and eventually they sank into a hypothermic state and He maintains this messaging for the reader, who deserves a coherent view of the material. ,, Circle of Friends - Long Lake (Members Only), Circle of Friends - Wall Lake (Members Only). Common mallow 26 Bee spiderflower 5 elder 14 The berries of dwarf and low bilberries are classically dark blue, but smaller than traditional commercial blueberries. ptaquiloside 8 Please try again. fremontii 21 The range is a collection of mountains and plateaus that includes the high western peaks, lower eastern peaks, Diamond Mountain Plateau, Split Mountain, Blue Mountain Plateau, Yampa Plateau, and Douglas Mountain. By the University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Serviceand College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Whitestem gooseberry 18 Oak 42, 53 The low one consists of shrubs less than a foot high with green stems, mostly at lower elevations growing as a groundcover under conifers. 33, 36, 46, 53 strawberry 56 16 Although you can dig up the roots of the sassafras tree and boil them to make a tea, we dont recommend doing so on the trail since that damages the tree. If you enjoy berries, chances are pretty darn high that youve had some blackberries in your life. Thelesperma megapotamicum Once you have your collection of pine needles, you can steep them in water and mix them with a little sugar for a lovely little hot drink after a long day of hiking. Seep monkey flower 30 Most people notice the difference in topography across the Uintashigh-elevation peaks in the west and lower-elevation peaks in the east. Then, you can boil it and season it however you like to have a simple meal on the trail. There is a huge number of plants available and proper research can help identify them. Similar to the leaks that weve already discussed, scallions are another great way to add lots of flavor to your meals on the trail. why did george selk leave gunsmoke; Goats beard 41 Oh, and some people actually enjoy roasting the roots of the chicory plant and grinding them up to make a coffee-like substitute, though this can be tricky to do on the trail. opposite of broken family. Juniper 7, 21, 22, 23, 29, 38, There was a problem loading your book clubs. Plus, theyre high in omega-3s, iron, and fiber. Thistle 47 - UWyo Extension, Plants poisonous to livestock in Montana and Wyoming: Considerations for reducing production losses. : Black currant 13 The demissa 11 We work hard to protect your security and privacy. We have over $2,097 in prizes lined up for the Fall 2015 Writing Contest, including all of the following: A 21.5 quart pressure canner from All American, a $382 value You may want to change out the soaking water a few times to help remove some of the bitterness of the lichen. Reviewed in the United States on October 12, 2021. Quelites 4, 24 Saltbush 35 Wall Lake Route Information twinberry 51 fever 14 You might recognize the name wintergreen from some of your favorite chewing gum flavors. Lonicera arizonica We're on a mission to support everyone in healing themselves, and our Earth, by growing their own food and medicines. Mount Watson is an obvious landmark, but it This is another of my favorites that nature now provides. These type of cherry trees have large leaves with finely serrated edges. Sweet & Simple Lives. Plants Poisonous to Livestock in the Western States. orach 35 In my recent trip up to the Uinta mountains in Utah I found some nice red raspberries in a couple different locations. lacustre 18 oak 34 Rubus idaeus 39 Tumbling orach 35 It lists cooking/preparation suggestions, health warnings, if there are any, and any medicinal uses.I'm very glad I bought this as a reference book. Theyre most commonly spotted in Maryland, though, and youll have difficulty finding them any further north than that. flo rida sugar; advantages and disadvantages of emic and etic approaches. Verbascum thapsus 32 They offer a nice, delicate flavor and often appear as little white bulbs with tan-colored gills underneath. Woolly mullein 32 Geyers onion 54 I have had the seeds in the past after a long winter when they did not taste too bad but most of the time they are too difficult to extract from the shell and are loaded with tannins. It stormed for 48 hours with temperatures Utah's best "beginner" edible alpine berries are raspberries, currants, blueberries and wintergreen. But this is even more impressive when we consider that the Uinta Mountain Group in the adjacent Uinta Basin was simultaneously buried beneath an additional 10,000 feet of Tertiary-age rocksan amazing 35,000 to 40,000 feet of vertical deformation! 1996-2023,, Inc. or its affiliates, No Import Fees Deposit & $13.33 Shipping to France. Revised in 2011. , first published by the USDA Forest Service in 1986 and updated in 2014 and 2016, is a comprehensive field guide to approx. Soaptree yucca 61 G 31, 33, 46, 53 refuge and built a crude shelter using pine boughs and a natural rock outcropping. Japanese 51 Navajo 5, 23, 35, 61 Pseudocymopterus montanus family 58 When in doubt, its best not to eat them as making a mistake in your identification can lead to serious illness. 23 If you have a wildflower, native plant, or weed you would like identified please email a picture to, or stop by our office in Lyman! This suture zone, called the Cheyenne Belt, is an area of weakness that has influenced formation of structures and deposition of strata in the Uintas ever since. attempted to return to the trailhead they became disoriented. Elkslip 28 Lathyrus 3 This is a prolific plant that will always be around in my yard from now on. Unfortunately, some areas of Wyomings rangeland are dominated by the non-native, invasive cheatgrass, and we have included it and a few other undesirable plant species." False hellebore 3 Great information, if your passing along info, it was a few years ago that my wife met Willy Whitefeather, and he taught her all about the wild food plants, and such for all of Arizona. Sambucus cerulea 14 In comparison with other ranges of the Rocky Mountains, tree species richness is particularly high in the Uinta Mountains. White checkerbloom 10 velutinum 18 22 Deathcamas 3, 54 oak 34 All three can be cooked in a variety of ways.

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