"It makes me think of a collective brainstorming session. Chukang Liang, Zeke Zhang and Wanyue Peng from China! All in all, we believe competitions to be an opportunity to broaden our horizons as architects.". Katherine Lo, Jeralyn Tseng, Loc H Nguyen and Ho Ming Chau from United States! 10. ", "I enter about 1-2 architecture vision competitions each year to actively refine my skill sets. Eric Bell and Diego Bazzani from United States! cultural symbol. Adrian Hill, Milena Patru and Florina Pop from United Kingdom! Weston Baumgartner and Inesa Gishto from United States! Pavel Nishchanka, Olga Dolinina, Yuri Korolev and Yuliya Nesviatayeva from Belarus! Competing keeps us on our toes.". It is a liberating process that helps me to get in touch with myself. Luke Carter, Mukesh Vanjani and Dain McClure-Thomasfrom Australia! Tristan Van Leur and Samantha Eby from Canada! A brief is the key that opens up and constrains our imagination.". Finally, to present the project is another practice of communication. "We enjoy participating in Architectural Competitions as we see them as a healthy, refreshing way of putting our ideas out in the open, and a constant stimulus to move forward from from what we have already accomplished within our realm.". "Architecture competitions have two sides that make them attractive to us: on one hand, it is a way to democratize architecture by making everyone compete on the same level, and on the other hand, it is a way to go back to designing as it was done in the academy.". You can learn from people of different specialties about topics that apparently seem distant and unattainable. Nima Shariat Zamanpour from United States! Steven Hedley, Carl Herron and Callum Fysh from the United Kingdom! Architecture competitions stretch the imagination, allowing for us to do stuff that we are unable to do in everyday projects.". Additionally it was a great opportunity to practice the design process. Furthermore, these are an endless source of inspiration which enable us to begin our professional career. ", The Last Nuclear Bomb Memorial / Edition #2 competition, "Exercise our design skills and test what we have learned. It's a journey through which we give our best, hopefully to contribute on the subject, and at the same time, it gives back to us. I always try to pick something new, a subject or a programme I havent had the chance to approach before, so I learn a lot in doing research this way. As students we do not have enough time to gain experience during our studies apart from during one semester when we have to do at mandatory 6-month internship. Kantinan Na Nakorn, Sasipim Sivaroroskul and Theethaj Pholampaisathit from Thailand! ", "The firm regularly participates in competitions to inspire their creative staff, foster collaboration, improve their design process, and celebrate their diversity and passion for design.". There are not too many restrictions, there is more room to play, and the design will be more interesting. Despite our busy schedule, we always try to spare time to join competitions to give the opportunity especially for our junior staff to learn and grow.". In addition, it exercises creation processes and ways of communicating architecture that are beyond the professional routine.". The knowledge gained by constantly refining and tweaking ideas, and how to present them, proves to be useful in my academic and professional work every day. "We want to share our vision of a better life for people and our ideas to make it happen. I participate in architectural competitions to immerse into a creative process, guided by a set of difficult challenges, and to bring to life a solution and response that did not exist before. Matas Griffiths, Nicols Iza, Sebastin Alarcn and Kevin Johnson from Chile! "To find out the answers I mentioned above, architects need to challenge themselves, to experiment with new strategies. ", "Competitions offer designers an opportunity to investigate design challenges with a different set of constraints. "Architecture competitions are a place to iterate, collaborate, and produce with a self-driven rigor not often found outside of school. Vladislav Dudyrev from Russian Federation! ", Architectural Visualization Award competition, "We see the competition as a place to connect with fellow artists who share same passion about architectural visualization as our team.". Plus. "We participate in architecture vision competitions because we want to measure our ideas against international competitors, and to get international public recognition.". ", "The participation in this architecture competition was a part of a university project. It comes with the territory. ", "We participate in competitions to strengthen our own opinions and ideas. "Architectural competitions are great opportunities for architects to experience being able to go beyond the limits of their routine life. Gather the class together. "In the architecture contest, you encounter and challenge new things other than learning architecture at school. "I participated in a competition because I enjoy contemplating interesting topics and expanding my perspectives. "Architecture competitions are a public space to discuss ideas and communicate creative architectural processes to society. "The competition is a free place dedicated to abstraction and experimentation, where knowledge and imagination can be combined in the creation of ideal human scenarios through architecture and design. ", "We participate in architectural competitions because we want to exchange experience and knowledge which we've gained on our education and professional paths in a challenging way. ", "Architecture vision competitions allow artists to explore the possibilities of the framework to its latest extent, something that is sometimes difficult when third party interests are involved. It is a processing project tool. "This competition allowed me to apply the skills I acquired during my studies and the knowledge I gained from personal research to a real building task. Landmarks as references signs orient the people. "We participate in architecture competitions in order to test out ideas, and concretise the goals of our future practice. It is a different way of thinking, like outside the box. Through this project for example, I discovered an array of fascinating facts about Iceland and its history, whilst also learning about state of the art construction materials and building technologies. You challenge your skills and learn new things.". ", SAN FRANCISCO AFFORDABLE HOUSING CHALLENGE competition, "Thinking about a vision for a specific part makes me grow by studying unknown cultures, studies and situations. And most of all, its fun!". And we think that participating in architecture competitions is a good starting point for us. "By taking part in architectural competitions, we are given the opportunity of a different approach to each project, as there is a freedom in design that is often not affected by regulations, giving us the opportunity to expand our horizons and take our idea a step further.". Renta Orova and Tams Hamburger from Hungary! For example, individual houses may be shown as small black squares. "Participating in architecture competitions is a great way to keep keen on design concept, make a strong statement of ones own design philosophy, and present innovative solutions without many constraints. ", "It is a great chance to propose your vision on a particular problem, to put your ideas out there, and get feedback from a range of high - profile jurors. This allows me to push my interests far beyond their typical barriers and produce topical projects that can inspire real world works. ", ICELAND THERMAL SPRINGS GUEST HOUSE competition. Llus Marcet and Andrea Horas from Spain! Architecture vision competitions give us the opportunity to think outside of the box and stimulate our creativity with diverse ideas and project locations that challenge our comfort zone. 51938295. For us, in Ukraine in 2022, this competition was actually an opportunity to return to our comfort zone. Doruk Alpsar and Amina Meslem from United Arab Emirates! "Architecture competitions give us an opportunity to test our creativity and come up with something that is close to pure fiction. Having great and inspiring ideas is one thing, but competitions provide realistic boundaries, further shaping and honing whatever you have in mind. ", PARIS AFFORDABLE HOUSING CHALLENGE competition. Mattias Dahlberg and Annapaola Busnardo from Sweden! Fiorentino De Martino and Laura Kranich from Germany! These competitions are good exercises, to experiment but also to be aware of the reality of the demand. Manuel Collado Arpia, Dustin Hernandez Jover and Berta Calle Martos from Spain! What we particularly enjoy is debating our ideas to turn them into a vision which would eventually become a built project.". It goes beyond the boundaries of a real project and inspires us to explore our creativity, energy, and new techniques.". Choosing our competitions allows us to escape our pragmatic daily routine, is a way to exercise our minds, and acts as a platform to test our ideas. It is a learning process of framing complications and devising good solutions. In the best case, obviously, the project also gets built.". "Architecture competitions are a great opportunity to train our creativity, make a statement, and present original ideas. Architecture vision competitions provide a great opportunity and platform to see and learn a lot from other great works and ideas. To work on projects that are in a different context than my usual work. We also learn a lot from competitions through collaborating with the team as our different ideas constantly benefit each other. ", New York Affordable Housing Challenge competition, "Architecture vision competitions are very stimulating, especially for students, offering an open space for sharing ideas from all over the world. ", "Competitions allows us to work with fewer boundaries. ", SILENT MEDITATION FOREST CABINS competition, "A shared vision, and a burning desire to design, and build what the architecture vision competitions are asking for from participants. In this ambiance, the designer could show his own style easily and force his limitations.". "Competitions are a great opportunity to engage our skills and broaden our perspectives through research. I see it as a tool for learning and an opportunity to be creative and experiment with new ideas. Ideas are flowing freely and nothing is filtered.". Daria Bal, Klaudia Elsner and Marta Sanigrska from Poland! ", "Participating in this competition is, for us, a way to improve and cultivate our curiosity and creativity, as architects or designers, we have to maintain those precious skill.". So, participating in competitions also means simply having a good time with colleagues and friends. Through every competition I participate in, I come closer to truly expressing my soul through architecture. Mark Pylypczak, Hamid Mohammadi and Tim MacKay from Canada! George Guida, Tatjana Crossley and Carolina Gismondi from United Kingdom! "We participate in architecture competitions as they provide a positive environment to further develop architectural research while stimulating creativity to produce experimental, yet adequate design solutions.". Competitions enable us to explore new cultures, places and develop new client relationships.". "For now there is nothing we wish more than to get the possibility to share our enthusiasm, experiences and ideas for the new dimension of art and architecture.". Kamila Szatanowska, Paulina Rogalska, Micha Morzy and Jakub Nanowski from Poland! Marilu de Bies and Simon Wijrdeman from Netherlands! ", Iceland Northern Lights Rooms competition. Apart from the constraints of the brief competitions allow you to explore alternative design processes, contexts, and typologies. We are always looking for different types of competitions on various subjects to gain the upper mentioned experience and get out of our comfort zone.". The assignment offered a work approach on the edge between the field of art installation and architecture, which fits the type of work that excites me. It escalates our passion, raises our inspirations and makes us eager to attend more. I perceive such competitions as an important input in a professional career and a priceless contribution to my personal growth. Victims of Persecution. It's part of trying to understand and develop what techniques and sensibilities work for us, and to develop our design identity. To grow as a designer, we believe, this exploration is critical. We decided to do design competitions to allow the creative juices to flow and expose ourselves to a project that we would not find within our client base.". "We see time spent on competitions as freedom where our creativity can express itself with no limitations. This type of competition gives us creative freedom not being limited by loads of rules. And knowing that a lot of people will participate anonymously giveseven more stimulus to think of more driven and revolutionary projects.". Furthermore, it is a great opportunity to experiment with new graphic representation techniques to communicate about architecture.". ", "Competitions usually have fewer design restrictions than other types of architectural work. "Participating in a competition is a good way to motivate ourselves, especially during the time of the pandemic, when the whole industry slows down and employment comes to a standing point a competition is what keeps our spirits up and our minds active.". Marcel Dawid, Anita Winiewska and Brian Dam from Poland! Keep a fresh mind on what architecture can mean or express.". Basically, to keep on learning. It is also a way of doing architecture without the constraints of real-life buildings. ", "Architecture visions competitions create a platform for us to work through design problems that really enable us explore the potential of what architecture can be. "You are given the chance to challenge yourself to the maximum, to refine and sharpen your skills, from the birth of the idea to the most expressive and honest way of transmitting it. "Competitions, like school, allow for the freedom to play, test ideas, take risks, to be unusual. "We decided to enroll to this competition being fascinated with the idea behind the Spirala community. We can face our weaknesses and love sharing our time together, taking up ambitious activities. It isn't so much about the accolades or monetary gains, as it is the ability to participate in the design process, the purity of creation and the idea of connecting with like minded individuals in this socially distanced world.". Especially in this competition, for us, the brief of Memorial for Witches is very interesting. It is a way to pick a different architectural program or object, and try something you really wanted to do but you just never did before. It also allows us to learn more about particular cultures and local materials. "We participate in architecture competitions because we believe that, in this way, we can deepen different topics that can allow us to learn and grow professionally so that one day we can start an architectural firm together.". "I can always find interesting challenges thanks to the variety of project types and contexts in architecture competitions. (Show the signs for love, peace, listen, counting 1-5, yawning, etc.) "Competitions are usually a great opportunity to develop new ideas, to dream big or small, and to develop yourself as an architect. In our day-to-day practice, we miss having the freedom to have a complete control over the vision. "We participate in architecture vision competitions because of the above! Kenyo Jacob Musa, Ifta Khairul Ridan and Thai Cao Nguyen from Canada! "I like to think of myself as a creative person and I need to create things. Arseniy Rabotnov from the Russian Federation! "This particular competition was part of our design course this fall semester. )", "We consider the format of architecture competitions to be a really good creative muscle workout. ", "Every once in a while, its good to pause and to put all your skills and knowledge to the test. Its a chance to get involved in other types of projects,different from those you work on every day.". "It has a novel topic and inspires my thoughts, allowing me to learn how other people think about the same problem, which is a very interesting and meaningful experience. "We see architectural competitions as opportunities to showcase our philosophy. We felt that architectural competitions force you to continuously make decisions that are tangible, which can get lost in academic projects. Koh Noguchi, Javier Ares and Juan Pablo Lopez Isabella from United Kingdom! "I participate in architecture competitions because Im a designer and these give me the opportunities to continue to improve on my creative skills. Arthur Vincent and Elliott Bellanger from France! Agnieszka Baszak, Pawe Danielak and Bartomiej Bruzda from Poland! Shilan Yu, Moye Guo and Guisong Zhang from Germany! d. Xian Chris Li, Elitsa Vutova and Nadthachai Kongkhajornkidsuk from United States! I-Ting Chuang, Jing-Yao Lin, Takanori Kodama, Yu Han Wu from Taiwan! "I participate in architecture competitions to be able to train my critical thinking and creativity. It is a great way for us to be inventive and to be engaged in what is relevant in the discipline.". Annasya Koesty Fadhillah, Muhammad Rafli and Gina Khairunnisa from Indonesia! Competitions help us develop our position towards architecture and potentially also give us some public exposure. The competition was a great opportunity to share my ideas and push myself to learn and apply new skills. Hagar Abiri, Justyna Piasta, Zuzanna wiatowy and Klara Kreo from Germany! "We believe it is one of the best ways to keep professional creativity alive. Francisco Saraiva and David Matos from Portugal! Aleksandra Musia and Alicja Adela Jarochowska from Poland! ", Iceland Volcano Lookout Point competition. "I participate in architecture vision competitions when i find extra time in my academical work. I wanted to get out of the city streets where I had to commute, and run the autobahn at unlimited speed. "It's a way of pushing ourselves to go beyond the limits of conventional design and think from new perspectives. We love to collaborate, share ideas and be creative.". Architecture vision competitions offer a freedom of expression that is otherwise restricted when you work for an office or a client. ", "As a series proposing an architectural design that satisfies local people's specific desire, we tried to apply our philosophy to the affordable housing challenge competition in Paris. We participate in vision competitions when we find extra time in our office work, as it gives us the opportunity to think in design issues more than in our daily work.". For larger buildings, the actual shapes are mapped. David Florez and Stefani Zlateva from Austria! Competitions are a great venue for experimentation, and a laboratory to unpack and test design philosophies. A group of us gets together and researches a brief that gets us excited. Giovanni Cavaglion, Emanuele Cavaglion, Xiaoxu Liang and Pu Wang from Italy! Grzegorz Mczka and Marta Mczka from Poland! Ignacio Perez, Pablo Menndez and Hctor Termenn from Spain! The tower was designed by the Munich-based architectural firm Terrain, combining art, nature and science in one iconic structure. Thinking conceptually, applying new ideas and developing sketches into actual buildings and concepts in some small measure, it is a feeling of the divine, because you are allowing something that was not there to be created. I think you always acquire new skills and learn from them. This is the reason we take part in architectural competitions: to constantly reframe the field of interest, to travel mentally to new places where the restrictions and freedoms we have may be different. Jul 3, 2022; fotomontajes de amor para dos personas; ", ABU DHABI FLAMINGO OBSERVATION TOWER competition. ", "Architecture should adapt contemporary trend and the users involvement. Compare and contrast how citizens celebrate patriotic holidays. HassanChang Yuan Max Hsu from United States! We believe that vision competitions offer a space free from too many constraints where some of the most excitingly fantastical ideas can emerge.". This is an opportunity for me to approach the designing process more freely, research new trends and develop as a professional. Marco Rosati and Lorenzo Rinaldi Ngiam from Italy! For us, it is an opportunity to test the congruency in the process of elaboration of our ideas, hence testing the integrity of our work.". We believe these competitions are the perfect platform to be critical of normative frameworks, to dream about unforeseen possibilities, and to explore radical visions that can inform our profession.". We believe that each competition can nurture our own concerns and expand knowledge in those research fields in which we want to deepen it.". "Architecture competitions provide a unique platform to design and propose exciting innovative project, while testing theoretical ideas in a structured setting. Another reason is to also convey our design intention and content through an open architecture medium.". Ahmed Arhda, Alexandre Bellanger, Julien Blatteau and Zaur Huseyn-Zada from France! They provide me the opportunity to research and explore a place and context that I may not otherwise have explored. It is also interesting to see the approach of other teams and how diverse solutions can be within the same brief. From the eager exploration of new cultures, sites and history to the absolute freedom to express oneself fully without constraints. When participating, one is pushed into thorough research, clear communication as well as questioning and refining the material produced.". ", "We, after working in architectural filed in our country and participating in internal competition, we felt to be in challenges of international competitions and certainly we will be witness of the positive effect of this issue in our professional work.". Mengru Wang and Rachel Reinhard from United States! The great thing also about participating in a competition is that if you are lucky enough to win, the client has already bought into your vision, therefore the next stage would be working together with the client to realize the design.". Valeriia Sema, Dmytro Yahodin, Olga Kovalchuk and Maryna Machulina from Ukraine! By pursuing competitions with the hopes of the possible construction of the results, our partnership gathers more authorship in the architectural realm.". ", "Its a chance to do different projects from what we are used to, and to be able to build our architecture in different cities and countries. We don't really ever stop. "We participate because it encourages us to explore and share some new perspectives about contemporary architecture, as well as the possibility of materializing these new ideas and to approach to other cultures. Daria Studneva and Julia Studneva from Belarus! "We participate in architecture competitions as a means for unconstrained design exploration. Natalia Kdziorek, Bartosz Karasiski and Dawid Krzeszowiec from Poland! ", "Architecture competitions are a great way of testing concepts and strategies freely. Exploration of details in design. ", "Architecture vision competitions give us the possibility to concentrate our attention on ideas, wishes and values of the projects, keeping alive the creativity.". Firstly, it is a rare opportunity for me to think in different ways from the normal work in school. "Vision competitions provide a platform that allows total exploration of ideas and concepts that at the very least provide further elaboration on the ever-evolving definition of what architecture is, and how its meaning may be interpreted and implemented in both the near and far futures.". Aurelija Kniuktait, Jon Virbickait and Kotryna Bajorinait from Lithuania! Besides, we always want to work together in some challenging project. Haim Dotan agreed to build the worlds longest glass bridge only on the provision that it could disappear into the landscape of the surrounding Zhangjiajie National Forest. "Since graduating I have yet to find a job, and I didn't want my skills to get rusty so I decided to enter competitions as a source of income and portfolio filler. They also allow me to test my creative problem-solving skills through unconventional briefs I might otherwise not be exposed to. And it takes more time to solve practical problems than to actually do the plan. Karlotte Kang and Kia Hong Ngiam from Singapore! Alessandro Buffi and Gian Maria Angelini from Italy! Participation in competitions enables us to present our design vision to a larger audience and compare it with the ideas of other participants.". I love to offer my vision of solving certain problems, to experiment and create projects on the verge of reality. symbol indicate the size of military organization: The letter or number to the left of the symbol indicates the unit "Participating in architecture competitions has been an important part of my personal and professional development as an architect. 273 from the stream bend, 198 from the pond. We have applied for a very specific reason: one of the founder of Cutwork (Antonin Yuji Maeno) is abird watcher since he is 8 years old, and has always dreamt of designing a bird home; this was the occasion.". For this competition the jury is looking for a design that would enable the new bird observation tower to shape the very sensitive environment surrounding it, as well as giving it the potential to become an iconic landmark in its own right. It offers us the chance to experience and learn from different cultures, to evolve our ideas, to gain a better understanding of the relationship between humans and architecture.". Federico Borges Prez and Agustn Lagreca Herrmann from Uruguay! "Architecture competitions provide the opportunity to think freely and conceptually, without the constraints of professional practice. "Participating in architecture competitions is a way for us to take a step back from our day-to-day work and experiment with different ideas on design challenges that we may not otherwise come across. They are often the only formula for expressing creativity without inhibition. Cultures of Independence has been made possible in part by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Celebrating 50 Years of Excellence. We love how the boundaries of ideas can be pushed by the collective, beyond any limits that we could individually have conceived.". And possibly, share a meaningful contribution to society through your winning solution.". Nasim Mollazadeh Sorkhabi, Arezou Fallah, Sara Vejdan and Niki Haddadrazavi from Canada! I like to believe they improve my employability. It was also an opportunity to explore my own interests and explore ideas which may not be possible within the restrictions of a university project brief. We have found the process eye-opening and encourage all those curious about space, shelter, enclosure to do the same.". These competitions allow us to dive into our own interests in architecture, space, and construction without the usual limitations of a standard project structure.". landmark symbol to identify the first observation point. The whole process is not smooth and difficult, but there are definitely gains.". Ian OBrien, Enrique Garcia Blazquez and Oliver James from United Kingdom! "Architecture competitions provide the opportunity to put forward a polemic or radical idea that prompts thought, debate and discussion which may often be a catalyst for change. "Architecture competitions give me the opportunity to test ideas/concepts and allow for a creative and playful design. Architecture competitions are conducive to remote learning and helped us remain engaged during the Covid-19 pandemic. Submit your story here. Ask if it can be something besides a flower. "This has been our first time participating in an architectural competition as a team. "It is not every day, an Architect get a chance to face an exciting design challenge. The freedom from typical project constraints and the excitement around a new challenge a design school studio like atmosphere. This Birdhome competition is actually the only one we have done in the past two years. Working in teams, it is also important to sharpen our ideas via debating and implement them in design. Jae Hwan Cha and Sung Min Leefrom South Korea! "Most of the time we are working with so many demands; it can be a wonderfully collaborative experience, but it can pull us away from our original intentions as architects. "11 years. ", "Architecture competitions are a great way to explore personal interests, test strategies, and have more creative freedom. It is a great opportunity to enhance my computational and graphic skills. The arena of the competition lets you tune out the noise of the world.".
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