pls note I am a 65 yr old college educ. It's quite odd. This will be my last comment for this post May he rest in peace, BUT. Filed under: Larry King LiveMichael Jackson. The Michael Jackson ghost sighting at his Neverland ranch has been debunked! If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. If you truly believe he molested children, keep that to your self! playing his life story, I think about what I was doing while he was becoming a star. It's a. If you watch in the very beginning of this video you will see the CNN camera person walk into the room. on the Earth: We missed out on so much. People have judged him not for who he was but for the way the media displayed him personally. That's it. Wow, I just saw his video for "ghosts", kindda' says it all right there in the vid. Of course, they may not want to create controversy out of respect for the Jacksons as well, which I guess is understandable. July 6, 2009 9:25pm CST. MattJ, you should check out this guy on YouTube that goes by the name MadHobbit. I don't think CNN can explain it because they are not sure how it happened. 65,292 views Oct 8, 2010 74 Dislike Share StronZo 274 subscribers michael jacksons ghost caught on camera durring live reporting (LARRY KING. Michael disintegrates to dust. His page was how I came across the MJ video & it confirmed it wasn't my imagination. xxxxx What a beautiful and peaceful place! The one on the left (Jermaine's right), definitely seemed to change during the course of the interview, and too fast I think, to merely attribute to the sun's movement. The King of Pop there is nobody like. We always used Michael Jacksons music. Sorry, Saffire, didn't mean to leave you out. Onalaska (aka "Clueless), Texas, Wow! We don't know. most likely it was somebody's shadow. Now lets just sit back and remember him as he was and not all the troubles he had. I believe we see him on this film because Michael wanted us to see him, NOT because we want to. I watched this video on kissfm's website and now I just watched it on Larry Kings show. Michael Jackson contributed heavily to these changes. Barnes& Noble Then we can all sleep. What's so great about that? place like that. This is why Jesus was crucified. the same reverence and awe as did Larry. Michael I only wish I could have known you. So, come on CNN stop acting so Enquirer-esque and remind us that you're still a respected media outlet. So whathe had locks to his room anyone would with as many people that were around Neverland. MJ HATERS GET OUT OF THIS WORLD. It is already scientifically proven by the evidence that this is paranormal. [Page 3] at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. After watching him, I realize that he really was a super star in every since of the word. #3 if one looks at the video without prejudging and going all Fundamentalist on us about how all ghost are demonic (oh brother), one can see that the shadow reflects in the floor as going straight across the plane of sight. Really! It's amazing how distant and out of touch some people really are with life to try and destroy such an innocent human being that stood for nothing but love. If you don't belive in ghosts, fine, but that's your own head. Since there seems to be some sort of light source to the left, those without a discerning eye would immediately say the shadow is of a crewmember passing by off to the left. Im not usually one for falling for camera tricks or wanting to see Jesus in a piece of toastlol- however if it were a shadow- the angle of which the shadow is cast means the person causing it should not have been far behind im just sayinglol you never know. I am sick of reading people so readily dismissing this image as a "shadow of a crewmember". Including the perversion of the media making him out like a god and some great gift. - Los Angeles, Kalifornia, 2009. jnius 25.) (Image: Poeple really need to get a clue. Michael Jackson Ghost? This makes the profile of a book held out in front of the shadow very clear. On Larry King Live!!! Bad (englisch fr etwa: Bse") ist das siebte Studioalbum des US-amerikanischen Pop sngers Michael Jackson.Es wurde im August 1987 beim Plattenlabel Epic Records verffentlicht und ist Jacksons drittes und letztes Album, welches von Quincy Jones produziert wurde.. Bad erreichte in ber 20 Lndern die Spitze der Album-Charts, wurde bis heute ber 45 Millionen Mal verkauft und . God Bless you. I posted a link yesterday about the other phenonmena during Matt Lauer's interview with Jermaine. Borders, Saving a heart a day is the goal! ta tocao su mente ..jui!! Do you think a real pedophile would be as honest? Paranormal. Its a shadow! I hope Neverland will forever become a tribute to Michael Jackson and his children. By Sherry12 @Sherry12 (2472) United States. I've seen too many real footages & my own personal experience to believe that! #2 Those who cry Pervert! Larry, I have watched your show for years and respect you as a journalist/talk show host, but when you commented that you were expecting some kind of 'honky-tonk' atmosphere when visiting Neverland with Jermaine, I cringed. After investigation, it was decided that the shadow belonged to someone working in the Neverland mansion or a member of another network crew. Michael Jackson was not raised like most people. I never believed the story from day one..People will do any thing for money, now I have seen it all Its sed,iven after this somody sad,that he was a child molester.Peples are ivol! It all happened on CNN's special show Inside Neverland, where Larry King conversed with Jackson's brother Jermaine. Kenny is exactly right. Personally I don't think he's gone. Whether or not he liked Michael Jackson is irrelevant. A shadow walks left to right across the corridor, quite quickly and eventually disappears. This have to be EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MICHAEL SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN GIVEN HER KIDS. It's wrong, please. Fans of the late pop star - who died of a suspected cardiac arrest on June 25, aged 50 - claim the image of his spirit can be seen in the background of a TV show filmed inside his . Michael was a lover not a fighter and so are his fans. Everybody has to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you even see the cooks? There are no angles here, from the left or the right. Poor Michael has not yet been buried and suggestions of a ghost have already begun. I think ur rite. I don't believe in ghost. The video, shot during one of CNN 's live segments at the ranch, appeared to show a ghostly figure moving in the background. Discussion about Ghost of Michael Jackson?! For Pete's can plainly see it's someone with a professional video camera! I see the King of Pop! Im sure they miss him terribly. I was talking to Kenny, Mattj and Mellisa H. I really needed to find SOME ONE who could see this for what it is! Michael Jackson 's ghost has been spotted at Neverland. Michael!!! I saw 2 "figures" before, one on the left and one on the right. Larry King: Michael Jackson was shy. No one does. We need to understand attitudes and challenges that existed before, in order to appreciate changes later. RIGHT. And where is his body anyway???? . He was sensitive. Personally I think it is Michael. Believe what your heart tells you is true. The king of pop has died. duhhhhhh!!! the subject could NOT have been off to the left at a 45 degree angle to the shadow in that final room because the bottom of the shadow is clearly visible in the other spaces closer to Larry meaning that the subject and light source would have to be coming from where the camera man is. LOVE ! I haven't seen it in years. Michael Jackson cared about all people including our military. I think he lost all faith in humanity after that. I'll just wait for TAPS to do a show on Neverland Ranch if their is any activity. why make it a big controversy??? Ethnicity, Sexuality & Childhood facts & Photos, Vin Diesel wiki: Ethnicity, Gay? simply refuse to see what is in front of them and are living in a fantasy world. May our tears of sadness and pain, you do not I just watched the congressman again on CNN and it sickens me that someone would go after someone like that in death. loved , loved so much! CONSOLATION ! Its sad when I'm getting better coverage through twitter feeds than through cnn. What a self centered old man his dad is. This needs to be on CNN and the big networks, so everyone knows! you helped the public to grieve by interviewing the ministers, counselors and psychologists that can give some sense of this tragedy and how to handle it. females cover their faces with berkas they're not called freaks. Thriller came out when I was little and I like every one else loved it. Kenny, I did see that, and I must admit, it does look like a person. The congressman and others talk like they know exactly what went on. Sure he had problems but people make him out to be a monster. So you folks who think too big a deal is being made, get over it! 1.6 million and counting can attest to that. Why not show the Homes for Heroes or somesuch where regular people and non-profits have come together to build homes for Veterans with Special Needs so that these American Heroes have a place to call their own. Michael Jackson Ghost as seen on Larry King Live - Uncut version from Neverland Partingimpulsive Follow Michael Jackson Ghost as seen on Larry King Live - Uncut version from Neverland Browse more videos Michael Jackson Ghost? Just watched Larry's program here in Melbourne, Australia and watched the segment on "de-bunking" the ghostly visual in the background/hallway in MJ's house. Gosh! Still, I need to look more closely . Thanks MattVery interesting to say the least! Washington where everyone could pass by and pay their This would have to be the case if it were someone off screen. I personally do think that was his ghost and if you think otherwise fine but dont you dare call me crazy because of what i believe or think. It is sad to me that in the United States of America in 2009 people are still so hateful. We have more pressing issues in life liks arm forces being killed. I think you are taking Michael Jackson's death to far. Larry King interviews Donald Trump on Oct. 7, 1999. It contenuse level all the way acoss! I never heard one way or the other. I want to see Michael remembered as a sensitive man who gave more than he had because he had a wonderful heart and soul. Maybe his last gift to us is to show us we DO go on! That's just somebody working in the house. The most criminal people and liars in society today come from politicians. . This Michael Jackson video is incredible, and details an image of Michael Jackson's Ghost at Neverland Ranch in California. It took its name from the chairman of U.S. Steel, Elbert H Gary, and is nicknamed City of Century were hoping for ironic reasons. If the energy is there ( electrical equipment especially) they can and will come through. rebel ghosts 191 america's poet? I belive in ghost,but i dont belive,that anyone can tapeing tham.I think,it was just a trik of CNN. Michael Jackson - Neverland Ranch "Ghost" kuyft Follow On first glance of the footage, it seems to show an apparition walking across the hall. No wonder some wealthy people do nothing for the poor. Congressman Peter King obviously has no respect for a grieving family and thousands of fans, not to mention the U.S legal system. The shadow was much more clear on the live tv show it really does look like the shape of MJ. He made a difference and cared enough about kids to create that magical place. The video below was just brought to my attention. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. 0:24. They are afraid of having their hands bitten off. It was not the ghost of Michael. I think he was just misunderstood. for all of you people who did not like m.j., why then are you blogging ???????????????????????? Keep up your reporting Larry, I feel Michael has gotten the short end of the stick to long. I think this world was too cruel for him. It left me considering never to watch your show again! i trully hope so god i miss him soooooooooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhh , love you michael .rest in peace !!!!!!!!! Meanwhile, since Rep. King didn't even know the guy, he can keep his ugly opinions to himself. It takes time for a person's energy to completely leave this earth plane when they pass. That's not exactly a reputable website. One more thing, Michael Jackson did alot of good for alot of people, and his music made alot of people happy. MICHEAL JACKSON was not a pervert. We only index and link to content provided on other servers. im am soo tired of hearing u ignorant people saying that. We simply saw a clear shadow walk across the room and through the wall. The reflection is exactly in line with the shadow.. Here we have 100% proof that Michael Jackson has returned to earth as a ghost. Re: Candy Crowley's comment of "enough already" concerning M Jackson coverage. i truely believe thats michael jackson! Gosh, I wish i could have known him. Yep, that's it, just as any person with moderate levels of oxygen flowing to the brain should have deduced on their own. poverty martha inc. 229 scenes from an execution 235 in sickness and by stealth 247 the strange case of david irving 255 why americans are not taught history 265 a hundred years of muggery 279 Yes, at first, you see a shadow pass across the camera view. You never know, people have seen ghost sightings and it would make sense if Michael was there, but I hope he finds peace. Some feel that this explanation is only a cover-up to explain away a case of true paranormal activitySo once again it is up to you to decide what you believe. They have dark hair. Enough already on Michael Jackson. & Childhood facts & Photos, Jhen Aiko: Ethnicity, Gay? . After you've lived it, take a look back and see how many people love you for who you really are; you good and you're bad self. Michael wanted to live forever, this could be Michael's ghostly figure easy being that his death was more of an accident, then really his time to go. He was a man who had mental issues. Possibly someone walked in front of a window, casting a shadow as the person walked through another part of that room. FOR THE KING OF POP MICHAEL JACKSON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEVER believed that Michael Jackson was a pedophile. From a contentious back-and-forth with Jerry Seinfeld to a tte--tte with Lady Gaga, dressed in full Larry drag. I'd prefer if CNN would clarify the issue. UPDATE : The Producer at Larry King's Show says that what is seen is the shadow of a crew member walking in front of a light in the dining room of Neverland Ranch. Why have Miko Brando on the show. She needs to go crawl in a hole. Just let the man RIP. woman who doesn't chase celebrity news. She said she didnt want them and now suddenly she does??? Larry one thing is lacking though; the entire world is grieving over this tragedy but you have not put any resources in place for appropriate grieving. The special aired years ago and the video is now making the rounds again online.What's crazy is that this is actual footage taken from Michael Jackson's former home in Southern California. Ironically, it is entitled "Ghosts", where the "townsfolk" characters consider him to be a "freak". get over yourselves!!! Learn more about the Foundation and it's efforts to help the uninsured, Comments have been closed for this article, NY Rep on Michael Jackson: he's a 'pervert' & 'pedophile', LKL Exclusive: Leeza Gibbons Offers Strength and Support to Alzheimers Caregivers, Operation Thriller: It All Started with a Conversation, Operation Thriller: We Met the Real Heroes, Hani Masri & Haim Saban on Peace in Middle East. I dont have all the answers. The reason people can't get enough of M Jackson is that he wasn't JUST a cultural icon, he was a genius artist with a message that we refused to listen to As I've been watching T.V. The mayor in the video, a politician wants him gone. Let the perversion stop. MJ, R.I.P or stick around a while. and when this was filmed he was not yet buried. _____ "It is with true love as it is Where is your humanity? Now "Ghosts" comes around and fills in the circle perfectly! Whether this is because he passed very recently or not, I don't know, but to me it doesn't take away from the fact that its paranormal. Jackson plays five roles, and performs dance routines set to the songs "2 . Gerrit Cole and DJ LeMahieu like what they've seen so far from the Yankees pitching staff and Anthony Volpe likes Willie Randolph . A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media People are different so crucify them? Dangerous is the eighth studio album by the American singer-songwriter Michael Jackson.It was released by Epic Records on November 26, 1991, more than four years after Jackson's previous album, Bad (1987). Just give me a moment without negativity. bob dylan's achievement 201 i fought the law in bloomberg's new york 211 for patriot dreams 219 ii. There will never be another Michael Jackson. I find it amazing that they were in his privacy area and as soon as the camera pans down the hall, it appears. On Monday night, Larry and CNN revisited the controversial ghost sighting and dropped the bombshell that the shadowy figure was just that a shadow. It is pretty spooky and looks like it could be a ghost to me. A shadowy figure can be seen passing in a corridor of Michael Jackson's former home, Neverland, during a CNN's special program, which featured an interview with Larry King and Jermaine Jackson. God Bless his family and his Children. Michael Jackson's Ghost Visits Larry King Live By Author Free Britney at Jul 06, 2009 Category Michael Jackson. Larry King Special: Harry Potter - The Final Chapter. This evidence is as good as it gets scientifically because it is freestanding and not connected to any floor shadow. grieve! Our topics include Conspiracy Theory, Secret Societies, UFOs and more! When I was covering the Michael Jackson molestation trial, spending time in friendly Santa, Maria, California, there were several detectives who shared bizarre tales they'd heard while investigating the King of Pop: an accused pedophile with a home fit for the Pied Piper and his merry kids: carnival rides, a roller coaster, giraffes, and inside, Michael Jackson Ghosts. And to me its clear he is holding a book. It is what it is! Why would ANY JUDGE GIVE THESE KIDS TO SUCH A DISFUNCTIONAL FAMILY. What Are the Best Ways for Writing Your Film Script Perfectly? Michael Joseph Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana on August 29, 1958. What we need to focus on is letting Michael rest in peace now. Jan 5, 2014 - michael jacksons ghost caught on camera durring live reporting(LARRY KING LIVE {CNN}) Why haven't Larry. Tell the congressman to respect the dead, his family and his Is Michael Jackson's ghost haunting Neverland ranch? Michael Jackson - Ghosts (Official Video - Shortened Version) Michael Jackson 102M views 13 years ago Michael Jackson: Spike Lee Bad 25 YouTube Movies & TV Documentary 2013 Buy. Many bloggers claim they see something ghostly at 4:45 into the package. Maybe you are right and that is not his spirit in the video but then again maybe not ! People want to do the "Right" thing, so crucify them? 2:01. So these videos I have seen capturing "a shadow" speaks a little more clearly for those who remain open minded and accept some things cannot be explained. So I don't know what it is and I'm sure CNN doesn't know what it is, but there certainly seems to be something anomalous going on there. The event was preceded by a private family service at Forest Lawn Memorial Park's Hall of Liberty in Hollywood Hills, and followed by a gathering in Beverly Hills for Jackson's family and close . Due to Michael Jackson's considerable break through abilities, he allowed the door to be opened to so many African American artists since that time on MTV and elsewhere, which is key to their marketing success. Now that is something to report on. It's near the bushes. That is so cool maybe TAPS will be invited to Neverland to investigate this..I'll wait on there show to prove ithowever it was cool to see. I dont understand,why thay delete the webpage,that i was put here,but thay dont say anything about it on the homepage?Nobody alaud to know,that MJ was innocent? Secondly, why did the other crewmembers, reporters, etc, not cast shadows as well? showing Michaels tree. The music industry and fans are indebted to him. It's probably just a crew member, but interesting nonetheless. Many celebrities and even normal people have things like that in their homes. se shico !! The hair is long like Michael's and flips upwow, didn't see that first time on CNN in the tour but definitely, now that it was mentioned on CNN tonite, saw that shadow..pretty wild.. Larry King did a live interview with Jermaine Jackson at the Neverland Ranch. You can find it on YouTube as well. We lost out on Michael Jackson for all of these years because of what people thought may have happened. I think that this is going to be another Elvis.. Just scroll down the posts. More information. 0:24. Considering how many of his own constituants might be fans, insulting them or friends of Micahel's such as Elizabeth Taylor, doesn't make him any points. Margaret. forget YOU !!!!!!!!!!! it is not connected to any source (to the left or otherwise), that you realize you have just seen a ghost (and yes, the silhouette looks very much like Michael Jackson, such as in "The Way You Make Me Feel" video). Larry I think your watchers are getting a little carried away with their imaginationslol Debbie Rowe SHOULD GET HER KIDS. child molesters and child rapists are white men 8 to 80. The segment was a complete was of time. Logic and rational thinking say this was something paranormal. catae velo ve !!.. It is said viewers of the mansion and 2,700 acre estate - which he bought in 1987 and lived in for more than 15 years - have been put off by a ghostly presence. Take away the celebrity the man helped people and was genuine and kind. Those of you who used and abused him shame on you. On further inspection, it appears as though the shadow is michael jackson larry king ghost neverland ranch Featured channels Stringr Salon TIME And the answer to all of this isA crew member walked passed a lighting fixture, creating a shadow on the wall. Michael Jackson was gifted beyond words can say. Michael was the highest humanitarian on the planet. Dare I say he was messianic., Inc. takes no responsibility for the content or accuracy of the above news articles, Tweets, or blog posts. I'm starting to see more and more negative news about the King on CNN everyday. During CNN Larry King Interview with Jermaine Jackson. Michael Joseph Jackson (Gary, Indiana, 1958. augusztus 29. TO EVEN QUESTION HER GETTING CUSTODY IS DISCUSTING. Ghost continued the winning streak well into the 21st century, first with his 2000 sophomore opus Supreme Clientele and on through 2006's brilliant Fishscale and 2013's comic book on wax . We will keep remembering him and if you have a problem you need to deal with it or turn the channel. When Oprah went through her beef trial, she was scared to death. It was horrible. I forget that this is a country that tosses out its old, and ignores the hungry. look at the hair. Michael Jackson Ghost? are forgetting that the man was acquitted, aka found not guilty anything else and you are making assumptions, or prejudging, i.e. When Dennis Wilson was laid to rest, the Wilson Family requested special permission to have Dennis to be laid to rest at sea and it was granted. Billy Graham goes to be with his Lord I hope to see you give his death equal time. The documentary on MJ was an attack on his character. It's about 45 minutes long and since his death, they have been playing it regularly on TV. More like this . Michael Jackson was a Daddy, a son, a brother, and has millions of fans across the Globe. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE??? Should the MLB arbitration process be given an overhaul? He made mistakes we all do. A great follow up to "Thriller" He was a world celebrity and it should not be considered anything but normal in his situation. Larry King's 10 Most Memorable Interviews. At the 3 minute mark, it appears. children. SO DROP IT. 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