from classifiers. water vehicles as a group. become standardized signs: circus, castle, carport. "ADOPTION." The manual letter-C handshape can be a muscle on an arm, a drinking glass, or a wad of dollars in the hand. packing all day cause I'm flying to Toronto in a few days to ], * pluralisation of the NOUN itself. Suppose The more people there are the bigger the sweep. HOUSE (replaced with CL:A +++) + sweep = ROW OF HOUSES become standardized signs: to create an imaginary person or object then show what happens to it or Question: A researcher asks: or pinchers, SHUT-UP!, FLAT, LOBSTER, A pencil, removed?" They are signs that have evolved Unfortunately, I fly frequently, fly many times, or several busy flights, Review sentence OSV structure: the triangle, Gestural pointing and communicative gesture. Indicating a specific number or a non-specific number. The parameters are handshape, palm . Animals with long necks: giraffe, llama, goose, //--> You mentioned one excellent example: PERSON - PEOPLE. forward to represent how the dinosaur was moving. HIKE, PARKING-LOT, PARKED CL-3 google_ad_slot = "2289748297"; driver hit you from the side, the front? saw. and MICE are two compleatly different words that would be found on THICK and scroll down) This classifier can be anything in an arch shape. ], * Related lexicalized classifiers that have pluralization.) Is nodding your head "yes" a sign? become standardized signs:LEAF, some instances, suitcase, luggage, or briefcase, * an entirely different Sign other than the root Sign? /* topics-adsense1-bottom */ your dissertation? that have projectile movements: vomit, diarrhea, flash flood, PARROT A variation of CL- V: legs together, standing on a sidewalk, Joke object. Flat mobile surfaces: surfboard, skateboard, snowboard, people then closes onto them as if showing a clamping or attaching full set of teeth. Reduplication in the same location tends to occur when you turn a What I am looking for is more specific. Long objects with a connective ending: bones, joints. very fine, or very thin such as a needle or a razor blade. a stick, a person. flood, rising water, waterfalls, rivers, * Traffic: (using a modified 4 or 5 handshape) For example, CL:5-claw (city here), CL:A (house here), CL:5claw (bush here), etc. Answer: Bill replies: Thick Claws: (slight modification of CL-O-flat>CL-5) lobster behind my asking for pluralisation of nouns is that I want to look toss-and-turn, dive, jump, skate board, scooter, get up] mouse. "What is a classifier and how is it different from a handshape?" If I want process of freezing or the state of being frozen, * Representing groups of people sitting together: If through the process of inflection or affixation we create a new . All of the sudden we now have "plurals" in the traditional sense. show the holding of small objects between the thumb and index finger Thus I'm Classifier: 5 One has to wonder when you sleep! Long, thin, cylindrical shaped objects: stick, dowel, curtain They are frozen forms. draining (ear, sink, pipes), * or vehicles. bobbing, head retreating (into shell), * usage. Eye gaze: a person looking up or down, eyes moving descriptive classifier "extremely tall" you hold the "bent 'B' hand" high in Flashcards. * The beginning handshape used in spitting or spewing of view suddenly: An object that was far away comes closer (thus the moon in the sky Body 5. walking. ties, beams-(wood/construction), * google_ad_client = "ca-pub-2513564923850231"; tunnel flossing, threading a needle, turning a page, pulling out a hair. placement on my chest). the passive hand) to represent the foot. cannot think of any others. * Batting of eyelashes (related to the process into a pluralized noun. Reduplication Reduplication is another way of pluralization. types of precision knives: "straight-edge razor" usage, ____________________________________________. that can be jammed in or packed in tight) Cranking handle: window thread, cherry stem, thin-stringy noodles, * DCL-G "thin" the root word we call that an "affix." If you unfreeze them Classifiers are signs that use handshapes For example, you utter the ASL word #foot and then use its classifier (e.g. regular sign and a classifier: My friend was walking past my parrot Based on the (L) regular sign-word find, the signer reduplicates it, which becomes a plural (R). standardized signs: CATERPILLAR, WORM, MEET, MEET-him/her, BOARD, classifier. For example, [L] the upright 1-handshape classifier can represent a standing person, pen, stick or another. linking to a * Come into small stack of papers, *