
va spouse letter example for sleep apnea

The author can use VA form 21-4138 but it is not required. This could be beneficial for the wife or spouse of a veteran who would like to write a VA buddy letter. Daniel Lawson, Sfc US Army Retired. After that, I packed a bag and moved into my parents house until John agreed to get help. Veteran Secret Codes on DD Form 214. The United States Government should take a long look at the way it has treated people throughout its history; Indians, blacks, and veteranshmm seems to be a pattern here. Click to Read Shedden v. Principi, 381 F.3d 1163, 1167 (Fed. This snoring had me to the point that I was going to ask him to move into the coach. When my husband left the military in 2000 he was still snoring loudly until he went to the doctor to check his swollen uvula sometime in 2002. It means that the VA MUST consider all lay and medical evidence of record in a case with respect to benefits. DOCKET NO. VA Nexus Letter; Footer. He has many aliases and they can be viewed on youtube. Image that one! All I can do is wait, & fight, and never give up, I pray to God Almighty, that before I die, I will receive what is due to me, as I would like to leave my wife, with something other than her taking care of me all these years. Tell them about your vet affliations. There are several factors that lead to the onset of sleep apnea. I would like to know why the airforce men at a base in Bangkok, Thialand are being turned down for disability claims on agent orange exposure . So you tell Me what is a man to do to get the right benfits or the right records. He is author of the guideVoc Rehab Survival Guide for Veterans and chief editor of The diagnosis of sleep apnea must be confirmed by a sleep. Ben, can i ask where you found the information on the epa reports and such for the buildings you were stationed in? What about other veterans who do not pull their records. Carrie, I hear you. The Veteran served from 1980 to 1984, and had NO diagnosis of Sleep Apnea during his military service - in fact, he wasn't diagnosed until 16 years after service. Provide every medical complaint to the ships doctor or on your own records. 48 months of toxic herbicide, has placed one foot in my grave and another on a banana peel. This information is especially important if your service treatment records lack sufficient medical evidence of any in-service disability or condition. It should clearly describe how he or she knows the veteran and for the length of time. How much does the VA pay for SLEEP APNEA? Never, ever give up! I am in need of assistance. After you've figured out whether you will claim sleep apnea secondary to PTSD or to another condition, you must demonstrate the nexus or connection to the VA. I served on active duty in the Navy aboard an aircraft carrier from November 1979 to November 1983. Amber, Virginia. Every case if different and many are very complicated. Dont waste your time with this idiot Ben!! *A non-combat Veteranslaystatements may be acceptable for establishing service incurrence or aggravation but must be weighed against otherevidencein the claims folder including the absence of military records documenting or supporting the statements. I don't know if this helps but things we are claiming are moody, sleep apnea memory loss (associated with gulf war syndrome) PTSD and a few other things. I have seen that very much so I know what I am talking about. On the other hand, knowledge acquired through specialized training, education, or expertisesuch as the knowledge required to render a medical diagnosis or attribute symptoms to a particular diagnosis or eventis not personally observable and is therefore outside the realm of competent lay testimony. This is not to say that VA regards buddy letters and buddy statements from a wife and medical evidence equally, but the information provided in a buddy letter can shape the medical evidence used to decide the claim, including providing the foundation upon which a medical opinion is based. _____________________________________________________________, Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print Veterans this week were outraged when they learned how much DAV executives are being, Read More VSO Exec Pay Shocker: Veterans OutragedContinue, Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email PrintThe U.S. Army has put together a video to encourage the hiring of veterans by, Read More Army Video Debunks Myths About Hiring VeteransContinue, Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print A shake-up within the Board of Veterans Appeals has resulted in former general counsel, Read More Big Data Insider Takes Over Board Of Veterans AppealsContinue, Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print The Dept. 01. A lot of what are now compensated conditions were not known when many veterans were in-service. I served on the Enterprise and wanted to know what where some of her findings about the ship. It took me over a year. I was illegally turned into DMV by VA and have not had a license for one year and like you say, they could care less. Basically, I have hypertension and snoring. Use any workman comp awards after your served and it pertains to your present claim, espeically if you believe that the military cause the issue in the first placelike mental health issues, some work settings can worsen symptoms with PSTD, Major Depression and insomonia It was good to see him, and I hope that, in time, we can restore our friendship to the way it was before we deployed. appreciate you, I have done extensive research and found many articles that indicate that rhinitis often causes sleep apnea. How to File a Claim on (step-by-step)! They have a Duty to Assist. I figured i would get maybe 70% and then apeal and get th 100%, but the government decided that i was still employable even thogh the doctor said i wasnt. On evidence. constantly. Paige Ingram is an Associate Attorney at Gang & Associates, where she focuses her practice on representing disabled veterans before the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. I am also trying to put a VA Claim together for COPD. This time, Im assuming due to clerical error, they were sending all of my paperwork to the wrong address! Along that same time frame, VA did not have money to pay claims. He pulled out a gun, and John shot him dead on the spot. How do I obtain a DBQ and a Medical Nexus Opinion? thay gave me a rating of 10%. NEW! I filed under the benefit delivery at discharge program (goal of 2-4 months for determination after separation) and now almost 7 months after separation I have no rating decision. It was SOP to rip off claimants on the time they have to respond to our requests for info. Below is wife statement, please comment if it is good to go. When we returned home, John hardly kept in touch. and vicodin 10s every 4 hours for pain and also celexa 10mg for depression, but hey im employable lol. 112 Comments. 2. Make sure you get it notarized, seek out those who fought with you- if possible It is so true that the people sitting behind the desks and making these decisions about our livelihood do not have a clue. I would like to know where I can contact someone so I can show my respect for this man. Since PTSD often manifests many years after a traumatic event, spouses may be a more reliable lay witness than former servicemembers in situations where VA has already conceded the in-service stressor, as the spouse can more accurately testify about the veterans symptoms over time and their impact on his daily life. i am disheartened reading many of your stories.. All I can add to the conversation is that I am service connected 100%+ for multiple gunshot wounds and PTSD, The VA has been very good to me over the course of my life and I domt have many complaints outside of the times I have seen people who I thought were deserving of compensation and unable to recieve the benefits they earned, often times in blood.. Good Luck to all of you and God Bless. They awarded me compensation at 10%. Decision Date: 07/15/15 Archive Date: 07/21/15 So just be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the Lord. This aint anything but red tape. If accepted into our ELITE membership program, youll get free up-front access and permission to use $13,119 worth of proprietary VA claim resources, including access to our network of independent medical professionals for medical examinations, disability evaluations, and credible Medical Nexus Letters, which could help you get a HIGHER VA rating in LESS time. I strongly agree that only vets care about vets. A nexus letter is a letter simply states that your sleep apnea is as likely as not to have been caused by your service-connected PTSD, or another service-connected condition. I put in a claim for my left lung. I have rad this whole article by mistake whille searching info for a fellow veteran. I have a similar claim for PTSD and unemployability and have been denied even after the PTSD rules have been changed. Just another vet giving out bad information. I dont know about you but the times I get a rejection letter, I put it in my bible because I know It is already DONE. How do I know this to be true, because GOD said so. We quickly ordered them to stop, but they didnt listen. I have applied for military disability. Contact Us Now (888) 883-2483 . Housedbound cases (Aid & Attendance) are the worst. This can establish a life impact for a veteran. But My case is still open! Plan to utilize some of this info. Many VA hospitals and clinics have in-house SOs from the DAV, state, etc to help guide you. Currently 90% sc and had to retire early do to my sc disabilities. I have written both my Senators and both have responded to some tired old writing from the VA that I failed to make my QTC appointment. Thanks for the information. Sample Letter To VA For . I did the DeNovo and was turned down. As I tell all my clients, just having a condition does not merit a disability rating from the VA. If you were EVER in prison as a result to your mental illness after you served, use those records including any release conditions- must see psych or be violate, must take medication be violated, those conditions.. This compact, bushy plant produces bright red tomatoes that ripen early in the season. Sorry thats just how I feel. Winston Salem, NC 27101 Not every VA claim needs a nexus letter because in some cases, the link to service is undeniable. Spousal Letter Supporting Sleep Apnea. All that is on top of a diagnosis of Sleep Apnea requiring a CPAP machine and back pain, from my spinal surgery. I was sent asap a form letter to sign to give him the permission he and his staff needed. Generally speaking, buddy letters should discuss the objective events and symptoms as they were observed by the author rather than speculation about diagnoses and their respective causes. Hi worked as a computer faculty in before some time, now i want to salary compensation from That computer institute, in previous i took salary through cash. I cannot stand facebook but to find people who served with my son prvided me with loads of info, but you have to decide how much is revelant in your case. Lay persons are competent to provide evidence regarding things they have personally observed, including symptoms that are capable of lay observation and when those symptoms occurred. Maybe an email from you with subject: Dont Tread on Me may encourage me: kelleykents (at)(gee)mail(dot)com Thanks for caring. VFW Department Service Officer This could be a coworker who saw how the veterans disability affected his job performance; a family member who noticed behavioral differences in the veteran after he returned from service; or a fellow servicemember who witnessed, heard, or smelled a specific incident that the veteran experienced while on active duty. As you understand , after my case settles completely I will have some big Back pay since my Discharge/ Retirement on 2009 His tone was very matter of fact. He has many people looking for him including non veterans.

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