We are supporting it. -- I want you all to sit down, look at the situation described, and begin figuring things out. Straw-man Fiat Federal Reserve notes do not pay debts. If you are not presently employed by the U.S. Military or the Federal Civil Service nor serving in an elected or appointed political office of the Territorial or Municipal United States nor receiving unearned federal welfare benefits nor willingly and knowingly operating a federal corporation nor seeking federal asylum, you are eligible at this time to reclaim your birthright political status. You need to understand the bankruptcy before you can understand the judiciary. The ship moves by the sea current just as we are able to move by the currency. Citizenship Chart You won't pay any mortgages or utilities or property taxes. Department of Treasury at the top left corner, which again is part of the U.N. as pointed out above), Slaves cant own property. If you look at Title V, Sections 501, 502, you will see that the British Territorial Government literally sells its "Citizens" for a stipulated price. See also Final Acknowledgement, Acceptance, and Re-Conveyance, 2019-008503-0. Capitis Diminutio - Maxima - Minima - Media, Anna von Reitz-Restoring Lawful Government, Mark Emery - Exit Babylon - Lighthouse Law Club, SMART METER COVERS & EMF PROTECTION DEVICES, CESTUI QUE VIE ACT 1666 EXISTENCE OF LIFE, The fastest and Most effective Way to Claim your Strawman, Anatomy Of A Birth Certificate What It Means, Anatomy Of A Birth Certificate - What It Means, Birth Certificate Registration Vs. Recording, British Territorial United States Citizen, Global Prayer Warrior Mobilization ALERT, How To Lawfully How To Sign & Remove Your Signature From Any Contract, HOW TO SIGN YOUR SIGNATURE WITHOUT LIABILITY. (Padelford Fay & Co. v The Mayor and Alderman of the City of Savannah 14 Georgia 438, 520), 18. And then, they just continued with more of the same rot, expanding and institutionalizing and mechanizing and compartmentalizing and applying the same scheme to everyone, until ---- according to them ---- damn near everyone is a "voluntary" slave who has donated everything including their own Name to these criminal commercial corporations. HOW TO SIGN YOUR SIGNATURE WITHOUT LIABILITY They lost owner ship of their baby (you) As previously stated, this is not something which they can be blamed for, as nobody told them it would, or even could, happen. This puts you outside their jurisdiction, so they can no longer "presume" anything about you. See their Federal Title 37. They've been diddling around with this for 150 years. Returning the BC to the Secretary of the Treasury "surrenders" the "criminal" PERSON back whence "he" came and cashiers the MUNICIPAL "citizen"---- now you still have to deal with the Territorial Citizen---- the presumed Foreign Situs Trust operating under your Upper and Lower Case name. Straw man is a third party that holds property in intermission for the sole purpose of transferring it to another. His job was to collect all the data from the churches which held the records of birth. Your third job is to help organize and join your State Assembly. Legal Fiction It's all just legal chicanery and lies and deliberate falsification of records and non-disclosed adhesion contracts being exercised against babies in their cradles and innocent people who are never given any disclosure about these practices and presumptions. The United States does not have any employees because there is no longer a United States! Control Your Strawman - Your Non-Biological 'Twin' | Freeman Movement how to reclaim your strawman The third action-- translation into PARSE-- gives them no wiggle room to ignore anything you have done. Going right along with this aim, we all need to learn the "latest and greatest" foreign code---- PARSE SYNTAX---- and use it as Russell intended it to be used, as a defense against falsehood and tyranny. As for the actual owners of this country, the American States and People, dba The United States of America [Unincorporated] andThe United States [Unincorporated] we object to any supposition that the debts and criminality of "the" United States of America, Inc., and "the" United States, Inc., has anything to do with us, our States, our People, or our assets. Think of how hideous and unlawful the entire concept is. This is the information needed. This ongoing attempted unlawful conversion of land assets belonging to us via registration processes and false claims that these land assets are chattel acquired from the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES, INC., must cease and desist, and the local offices in all the State of State franchises must be re-directed and re-educated to record, not register, land assets belonging to The United States of America, our member States and our People. You will have little or no reason to ever visit their courts. In Law, this is known as "unlawful conversion" --- a form of kidnapping of assets on paper, which converts the nature of an asset (from living man to corporate franchise for example) and the jurisdiction in which it operates (from land law to sea law in this case). The state (London) took custody of everybody and their property into a trust. Claim Your Strawman Documents To Put You In The Private Side Of Life Away From Corporate Slavery. In the statement it will say defendant This is where you write your strawman 's name All capitals. These documents are NOT secret! September 2017, All Literally. Pulling them up by their own bootstraps and with prejudice is the order of the day. Congressman Louis T. McFadden, Co-chair of the House Banking Committee at the time ---recognized it for what it was back in 1934, and brought charges for it before the House Judiciary Committee which have yet to be heard. The United States [Unincorporated] The foregoing mish-mash in which you have mistakenly enrolled or taken part in or been coerced to participate in programs meant for "US citizens" results in a lot of entanglements and potential controversies based on adhesion contracts. Proof Of Non-Consent Basics Of Birth Certificates There's just one problem. Prati, 1844 Syllabus Prop 28, 29, 44), 26. You won't pay "Federal Income Taxes" anymore. If you intend to conduct any kind of business outside your state of the Union you will need to post an Indemnity Bond with the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, and if you go offshore to conduct business of any kind you will need to notify the U.S. Secretary of State and give them notice. This is an identity theft scheme of staggering proportions carried out against individual living Americans for the purpose of accessing our credit and confiscating our assets under color of law. [Cases: Civil Rights 1033(1), 1137. The British-backed Territorial State of State organization doing business as (for example) the State of Oregon has seized upon and laid claim to "First Middle Last" and the Municipal STATE OF STATE (for example, STATE OF WYOMING) has claimed an ownership interest in FIRST MIDDLE LAST. Outlaws. Without us, they are open to seizure as pirates. And they are even motivated and grateful to see your claims appearing on the land recording district offices, because it is beginning to dawn on them that without us, they are nothing. Vi Coactus The Pope can abolish any law in the United States (Elements of Ecclesiastical Law Vol. They also owe us The Law of Peace, AR 27-161-1. See this article and over 1900 others on Anna's website here: You Know Something is Wrong When..: An American Affidavit of Probable Cause, Additional Information Provided to President Donald Trump and Members of His Cabinet Regarding The Dead Baby Scam. This then also affects all contracts on which the NAME appears, including Driver Licenses, Mortgages, Loans, and Certificates. I think that the strongest tools we have are our own values and sense of justice. Only in the High Court, can the real man or woman appear. Brith Certficates See this article and over 1700 others on Anna's website here: Take a look at the Birth Certificate issued in your NAME. PROOF the TRUST even exists. Identity Trap January 2020 Anyone supporting these incorporated entities in their aims is an accomplice to this profound evil and part of the problem we all face. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. The United States, , not a land mass and it existed before the Revolutionary War and the British Troops did not leave until 1796 (Republica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43, Treaty of Commerce 8 Stat 116, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80, IRS Publication 6209, Articles of Association October 20, 1774), http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVsMUpPgdT0, 20. We know from our study of the history that these organizations are all foreign with respect to us, as our own American State of State organizations have been moth-balled since the Civil War. [I don't mean that you are uniquely responsible for this vast process of giving Notice--- I mean that all Americans who are not Federal Employees need to do this, en masse, in every small town and county and city and borough and district nationwide. With Promissory Notes. ]constructive force. Brith Certificate Fraud 138-178), 10. The All Capitals names are a form of Latin called "Dog Latin". This is your Grandma talking straight talk. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01CLRQG9I#nav-subnav, Give YourSelf Credit Reveals the Vatican & Bankers Fraud, https://www.amazon.com/Give-Yourself-Credit-Money-Doesnt/dp/1453645365/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8, International Public Notice Regarding The Dead Baby Scam, The Strawman Illusion Explained by Thomas Anderson (April 2, 2010), How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic Cash-Confiscatory Agency Known to Man, Source: http://educate-yourself.org/cn/strawmanillusion02apr10.shtml, Property, Property Taxes, and The Whole Picture to Date. It is more than past time for the perpetrators of these schemes to be recognized for what they are ---- criminals and outlaws, intent on thievery, murder, and fraud. VIS COMPULSIVA Join Us for Our Weekly Webinar Every Monday at 5 pm Alaska - 6 pm Pacific - 7 pm Mountain - 8 pm Central- 9 pm Eastern, UNDERSTANDING CESTUI QUE VIE ACT 1666 EXISTENCE OF LIFE, How to Correct Your Political Status and Why, CORPORATIONS CANNOT BE SOVEREIGN GOVERNMENTS, Step by Step Emancipation - Sample - Anna Von Reitz, THE TOP TEN ARTICLES FOR RAPID ASSISTANCE. Parents are tricked into registering the birth of their babies. These are thelegal entity/fiction created and owned by the Government whom created it. We know who they are. It is also under demand to redirect all Municipal employees to ensure cessation of all false commercial claims and improper probate administrations. But what if your government doesn't protect you? Instead, they've been colluding to evade their obligations under the Constitutions. You get a "birth certificate" for the same reason you get a car registration. or see the Help Service portal about midway down my website home page to request additional help] and then go to our new sign in service: People are grossly confused about the Birth Certificate, what it is, what it does, why it exists, etc. January 2019 Serve Notice that you have "returned home" to your birthright political capacity as a Lawful Person and anyone failing to recognize that fact is fully and 100% commercially, morally, and materially liable for any attacks, acts of insubordination, false claims in commerce, or attempts to impersonate you from now on. Birth Certificates AKA CUSIP BONDS So, now, at the end of all this--- you are back on solid ground and the sharks have to remain in the sea. Give Yourself Credit: Money Doesnt Grow On Trees! (Treaty of Versailles-July 16, 1782 Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80), 17. This establishes the fact that you are the presumed "Donor" of the property referenced by the BC and also establishes your standing to sue these criminals. November 2017 The U.N. also holds all of the land of America in Fee Simple. The STRAWMAN can no longer be presumed to be a public trust or public transmitting utility residing in Puerto Rico. Anatomy Of A Birth Certificate - What It Means I have 2 birth certificates my UK BC CERTIFICATE, THOUGHT ID LOST IT. And a lie however it is expressed is still a lie. Global Prayer Warrior Mobilization ALERT By becoming aware and doing our due diligence we can save the world from criminality and predators. 62, Van Koten vs. Van Koten 154 N.E. If any American who is not a Federal employee reads this, this is your Notice and Warning, too. 4 page 113, 22 U.S.C. Sit down and look at your "Birth Certificate" and understand what it is and how it functions. But there is another layer to the scam. The application for a Social Security Number is the SS5 Form. So instead of protecting us, these Hired Helpers have operated in Breach of Trust and harmed us. The Certificate of Live Birth will usually have your name in Upper and Lower Case, First, Middle, Last --- just as you were taught to write it out in Grade School. You do that by placing evidence of your true political standing and Lawful Person capacity on the public record. Common Law Court You have to understand there is no money. class-based animus. In property law, a straw man would be the person whom a grantor transfers land to for some reason; (sometimes known as a "front") for the sole purpose of concealing the true owner. And the odds have remained about the same ever since. The state takes control until a living man or woman comes back and claims their titles by proving they are alive and claims for damages can be made. Our States of the Union were never involved in the Civil War, by definition; our states were never bankrupted, either, and our Holding Company, The United States of America, has never ceased to function. After you leave the service, they just continue to presume upon you and continue to presume that you owe them service as a kind of military government quasi-civilian --- that is, if you don't formally give them notice otherwise. More on this later. If this country is lost to a bunch of European Flim-Flam artists and crooked scum bankers making false claims in commerce against us, it's nobody's fault anymore but yours and mine for our own failure to react and get organized and kick legal rump from here to breakfast. It can no longer be mistaken for an unidentified Foreign Situs Trust. Methods Of Claming Your StrawMan These are private documents, so only his office needs to see them. Otherwise you are just an empty vessel floating on the sea of commerce. (Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1st Session), 15. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) is an agency of the U.N. (Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Ed. This information is being made available to the Trump Administration and to the Public in an additional effort to end False Claims in Commerce against American Land Assets and bogus registrations of land assets in this country: We are enclosing a copy of the text of our International Public Notice Regarding The Dead Baby Scam so that you are all fully informed and on the same page. or "ringers" that simply infringed upon our Good Name and our Common Law copyrights as a meansof purposefully promoting identity theft, credit fraud, bankruptcy fraud,press-ganging, inland piracy, unlawful conversion, and other international and confidence crimes going back generations. The straw man was created by law shortly after you were born via the registration of the application for your birth certificate. See this article and over 1200 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com. Straw Man Artifical Person All U.S. Territorial and Municipal Employees, all U.S. Territorial and Municipal Elected Officials and Appointees, all members of the U.S. Territorial and Municipal Judiciary, all members of the U.S. Armed Forces, all members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, all Foreign Governments, all participants in the United Nations General Assembly, all High Contracting Powers and Principals are hereby given Notice of the Crime committed against us. This is why you always need representation when involved in legal matters, because youre dead. Colonel Edward Mandell House You are the actual landlords, so any mortgage credits to be applied under any tenancy agreement has to be paid to you, not taken from you. More than 30 Trillion Dollars has been siphoned offand embezzled out of this country during the Obama Administration and more untold trillions of counterfeit "US Dollars" were printed off-shore and dumped into other economies worldwide --- and it was all state sponsored counterfeiting by "government agencies". Britain is owned by the Vatican. All these seals and watermarks and other gee-gaws serve to identify the "Issuer" of the Birth Certificate, which is the foreign State of State Organization, not you.
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