
paulette metoyer washtenaw county treasurer

We are a progressive county, a blue dot in the state of Michigan, and we need to do better. How long will it take to reduce tensions and increase trust amongst ourselves? Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. First and foremost, I want to institute an equitable covid safety policy (you can read the full policy on my website), which must include masking during times of higher community transmission, free high quality masks and testing for students and staff, HEPA filtration units in each and every classroom; and a return to free school meals for all. One of my priorities that I plan to address as a Trustee include analyzing and addressing opportunity gaps in education. Public education should stick within budgetary limits. 4. With board members Rebecca Lazarus, Jessica Kelly and Bryan Johnson opting not to run again, trustee Susan Baskett is the only incumbent with an expiring term to file for re-election for another four-year term. Facebook gives people the power to share and. Equitable access to high-quality affordable education is essential to addressing inequality in our communities and to close the opportunity gap. She was in her early 20s at the time, and served in that part-time role through 1988. If more children of a particular group end up being chosen then so be it. In AAPS, we have a district where one elementary school has a 61% free and reduced lunch population, while another has an 11% frl population. All of these kids and the many more we dont know personally are doing their best to grow up and be happy. Information on other state, county and local primary races can be found at This money could then be used to increase teacher and staff salaries, increase invest in university wide SEL curriculum and staff (e.g., social-workers and para professionals). Kauffman is a Swedish immigrant, the daughter of a Nobel laureate and a graduate of the Northwestern University Medill School of Journalism. County Treasurer Vote for not more than 1 Catherine McClary Democrat Paulette Metoyer Republican Water Resources Commissioner Vote for not more than 1 Evan N. Pratt . Please do not place tax payments into the green Clerk's Office mailbox located directly outside the front entrance. Polls will be open from 7. Aviva R Morady, Fred Morady, and two other persons spent some time in this place. The newness of the Board itself. Establish a merit based program and abandon the focus on diversity, equity and inclusion, which rewards those who have not achieved and punishes those who have by denying them the fruits of their labor. Although the Ann Arbor Public Schools are known for excellence, there has been little progress on improving the education outcomes for minority, low income and special education students. A commitment to equity, making sure the children who need the resources, such as tutors, reading specialist, mental health support, get the help they needed to enable them to feel that school is a safe place to make mistakes and learn from them. The challenges facing Ann Arbor Public Schools are around issues surrounding diversity, equity, inclusion and antiracism, transparency and community engagement, opportunity gaps, and learning and curriculum assessment. Keeping our public schools in person will require continued investment in smart approaches to public health and addressing staffing shortages by truly listening to our AAPS employees about what they need. We cant say we care about equity if we also choose to create an unsafe environment for our most at-risk families and staff. Metoyer is a physician with 20 years of formal classroom education. Fostering community input and discussions at all levels. An efficient and effective way to deliver individualized learning is via digital technology. Even before the pandemic, they were being asked to do more and more work, while not getting the step increases they were promised. Treasurer/Washtenaw County Paulette Metoyer Clerk & Register of Deeds Gary Greiner Washtenaw County Commissioner/1st District Rod Anderson Washtenaw County Commissioner/2nd District Scott Inman Washtenaw County Commissioner/3rd District Ken Seiler Washtenaw . As a psychotherapist, he said he is very aware of the mental health challenges of children today, post-COVID.. Second, I want to help the Ann Arbor Schools move towards an open school system. We can do better. In my personal anti-racism work, Ive learned that the best way to fight this racism is to get involved at the local policy level. Communication will be a major part of my service as I will make myself accessible to all stakeholders in our school districts learning community. She had also run unopposed in the August Democratic primary. He also serves as vice president of The University of Michigan Professional Nurses Council. They have been involved with dividing us along racial lines, instead of unifying us around American identity. This means that the majority of next years school board will have served less than one term. What are your priorities in balancing the budget? Built with love by, Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act (MMFLA), Washtenaw County Road Commission Winter Maintenance, Washtenaw County Weekly Road Work Schedule, 2019 Washtenaw County Health Department Annual Report, Military & Overseas Absentee Voter Application, Important information about property taxes, Community Center Advisory Committee Meeting 3/2/2023 5:30pm, Volunteer at the Washtenaw County Dispute Resolution Center, Serves on the Ypsilanti Area Community Fund, Superior Charter Township Zoning Board of Appeals, Washtenaw County Critical Incident Stress Management Team. Nov. 6, 1984: Is unopposed and wins re-election to another two-year term on the Washtenaw County board of commissioners, representing District 9 in Ann Arbor. As a veteran board member, my primary commitments have been preserving academic excellence and increasing equity between schools: while others see these goals as incompatible, I see them as necessary synergy. It does not mean another $10 million in technology funding on more apps and devices, some of which are hardly used and parents dont want. But that doesnt mean that we here in Washtenaw County need to give up on it. He is concerned about AAPS decisions and policies during the COVID-19 pandemic, with an over-reliance on Zoom-school instead of in-person classes creating what he said are substantial learning deficits in reading, math and social learning. Nov. 2, 1982: Defeats Republican Karl J. Edelmann to win re-election to her another two-year term on the Washtenaw County board of commissioners, representing District 9 in Ann Arbor. Learn more | Also, increase training focused on mental health. If elected, my process for building consensus on the Board will include evidence-based justification for why to tackle an issue and how the issue can best be solved or improved. I am passionate about addressing the issues facing our city and public schools, especially surrounding diversity, equity, inclusion and antiracism, transparency, community engagement and curriculum assessment. Lets ensure teachers love being at AAPS and want to stay. This will take many discussions and forgiveness. We must lower the non-proficiency levels in math (50%) and reading (30%). To be clear, this doesnt mean Im trying to speak on behalf of BIPOC families; I plan to intentionally listen to their voices, and bring their issues, opinions, and suggestions to the board. 1998 - 20079 years. Aug. 10, 1982: Defeats Gerald Faye in the Democratic primary for District 9 on the Washtenaw County board of commissioners, representing Ann Arbor. School boards cant and shouldnt micromanage education, but they should set clear priorities and demand year-over-year improvement in outcomes. The county treasurer is authorized by the Michigan Constitution and state law to serve as the county's banker and investment officer. Nov. 7, 2000: Wins re-election for a second four-year term as Washtenaw County treasurer, defeating Republican Kimberly Cashman. Before making cuts to the budget, we focus on generating revenue instead of making cuts, i.e. See school board candidates for Washtenaw Countys main school districts, including Ann Arbor Public Schools, here. County Treasurer's Office Phone Number: 734.222.6600 County Treasurer Email Address: County Treasurer Website Property Tax and Assessment Statistics Tax Rate History (Millage Rates) Pay Property Taxes Online Customers have the option of making one time payments online with no registration required. Some of these will be both critical and urgent in terms of needing to be solved. However, technology is no cure-all and the board trustees need to be that oversight that ensures new programs and other changes in our schools are evidence-based, actually help our students in greatest need, and deliver results. Providing them with the best public education and learning environment we can is an important aspect of their daily lives.Growing up, my familys dinner table conversations were most often about life in and around public schools. Paulette Metoyer's activity stream. One issue I particularly care about is literacy equity. Ward Schmidt has more than 35 years of experience as a teacher in rural, urban and suburban schools in five states, including AAPS Scarlett Middle School. Making our Skill Trades curriculum stronger, more visible and available any child interested in it, To have more Social workers and Psychologist in all schools. Candidates for the Ann Arbor Public Schools Board of Education include: (top row, left to right) Barry Schumer, Jacinda Townsend Gides, Alex Wood, Paulette Metoyer, Jamila James, Leslie Wilkins and Andrew Spencer; (bottom row, left to right) Jeremy Lapham, Rima Mohammad, Kai Cortina, Susan Baskett, Lena Kauffman and Susan Ward Schmidt.Photos provided. Other districts are offering not only signing bonuses but retention bonuses. Addressing the labor shortage which has been a national problem for a long time. 2. Paulette Metoyer ran for election for an at-large seat of the Ann Arbor Board of Education in Michigan. For a district that very vocally prides itself on equity, choosing to allow the federal program to expire with no backup plan, giving families only a few days notice that school would start without the meals theyd relied on for 2 years was a shocking choice. The current plan is unsustainable. Salaries and benefits for our staff is a large portion of our budget and will continue to be. Would encourage investments that will introduce AAPS children to a variety of post-high school options.Ensure AAPS adheres to evidence-based improvement to curriculum, systems, and services. I am not a one-issue candidate. Terms of Use | I am running as part of a slate of experienced, profession, progressive & passionate leaders who want to serve our community and ensure all voices are heard. -Is money being spent on physical facilities in a way that is environmentally sustainable with an eye to the future?I intend to help facilitate substantive discussions on how we fulfill our fiscal responsibility as a board based solid information and data. What should be done to improve student achievement in Ann Arbor? The district needs to find ways to retain the amazing teachers we have, and keep them from burning out or going elsewhere. As a veteran teacher my top priority has always been to make sure my students felt the classroom and the school was a safe place. Allowing uncontrolled spread will take us right back to classrooms without teachers, or school days and buses canceled from staff illness. I would also engage the educators, parents, the business community students, and everyone with a stake in public education to collectively determine a plan for funding and implementing the strategies from the Launch Michigan Framework (; the National Center of Educational Excellence and the Economy (; Detroit Disability Power (; Center for Disability Justice ( and the Therapist Neurodiversity Collaborative ( policy proposals including how to develop Effective Teachers, Principles, and Administrators are available at: The treasurer's primary responsibilities are to safeguard public funds and to collect and account for the revenue used to operate programs for county residents. How we choose to respond to this ongoing public health crisis is a clear representation of the districts commitment to equity (or lack thereof). What are the greatest challenges that will face the Board of Education in the coming year? What needs to be done is to keep focused on doing what is right. November 1974: Wins election to her first two-year term on the Washtenaw County board of commissioners representing District 15 in Ann Arbor. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. Heres whos running in the Nov. 8 election. 7th Congressional District representative, 12th Congressional District representative, University of Michigan regents (two seats), Michigan State University trustees (two seats), Wayne State University governors (two seats), Dexter City Council (three seats, nonpartisan), Saline City Council (three seats, nonpartisan), Ann Arbor Township Board of Trustees (four seats), Augusta Township Board of Trustees (four seats), Dexter Township Board of Trustees (four seats), Lima Township Board of Trustees (two seats), Northfield Township Board of Trustees (four seats), Pittsfield Township Park Commission (five seats), Scio Township Board of Trustees (four seats), Superior Township Board of Trustees (four seats), Sylvan Township Board of Trustees (two seats), Webster Township Board of Trustees (four seats), York Township Board of Trustees (four seats), Michigan Supreme Court justice (two seats). 2. A total of 84 students from Washtenaw County were among the more than 16,000 students nationwide selected as National Merit Scholarship semifinalists. It is also wonderful to see strong advocates for our children, who are the teachers. As a board member I pushed to disarm the SROs in the Monroe County schools, and when the Indiana state legislature passed a bill allowing school districts to join social justice education with curricula, I very quickly wrote and passed our districts resolution to do so. The couple, who live in Ann Arbor, have two children and 4 grandchildren. Stalin! Locally, at the board of education level, our challenge is to build back confidence in our public schools, show that we can raise learning achievement for all students, provide wise oversight of public funds, and create the broad community support we will need when some of the current local bond funding the Ann Arbor Public Schools rely on comes to an end. Dr. Paulette M. Metoyer is an internist in Ypsilanti, Michigan. How do we make it better?- that aids in teaching ac-countably, Mental Health and Social Work support, Skill Trades, Teacher Autonomy to do the jobs they went to school to do, and teaching our children to respect and honor our environment. The overview and 2022-2023 goals can be found here. He has taught at three universities part-time, including the University of Michigan. Heres a quick look at contested races on ballots in different parts of the county, excluding races where candidates are unopposed. Addressing inflation and staffing shortages -- which includes addressing teacher pay, satisfaction and well-being -- must be a priority. Ann Arbor Public Schools also has room to grow and progress to an improved and new level of education. see prior response: We need a flexible intensive tutoring system free of charge for low achieving students. Too many schools and teachers have supported the use of a new language with the goal of weakening boundaries, and weakening parents influence over their children. These two goals will provide immediate improvements for both quality of education, and quality of life for our school community. Theyll also decide 12 local ballot proposals. How can one of the best school systems in the State of Michigan, have such a shockingly high percentage of students non-proficient in math and reading? I am surprised at how many people are eager to fight against keeping children safe, learning actual history, or reading diverse books because they personally find the safety plan or lessons uncomfortable. This was a consequence of each member of my family spending their entire work/school day in public schools. First, it is crucial to get community input for our districts budget prior to finalizing and implementing a budget. As a child of refugees whose family struggled, Mohammad said she has been dedicated to addressing issues of diversity, equity and inclusion, including opportunity gaps and curriculum assessments. More information about me and my platform can be found here: Also my lived experiences have shown me that systemic racism is still harming Ann Arbor students. We are confusing our children, and schools have been part of this process. These strong foundational skills give children the ability to access other subject areas and to become knowledgeable about the world around them, all things that need to happen to build critical reasoning skills. Having watched my father prepare for board meetings so many times over the years, I know that serving on the AAPS board will take a lot of work. We have parents fighting this, insisting on a gifted and talented program instead. There is clear empirical evidence that school closings were inefficient in stopping the community spread of the disease. Schumer worked in public schools for 23 years as a clinical social worker, working with children with emotional and behavioral problems, as well as students with educational disabilities. She received her medical degree from University of California (San Francisco) School of Medicine and has been in practice for more. Im committed to reviewing current district policies and consulting with families to determine which policies are most helpful in supporting equity, and which ones are harmful. Nov. 4, 1986: Defeats Republican David J. We have many experts in AAPS that know a lot about student achievement. Education. DATE? This would be the ultimate point of inclusion. McClary gets 5,335 votes (53.01%) compared to 4,729 votes (46.99%) for Byrnes. All rights reserved (About Us). The pandemic did not bring out the best in people or organizations. Earns designation as a Certified Public Finance Officer (CPFO). Our kids are our future. 4. Setting this foundation starts with clarifying current goals already in progress and what a school board trustee can and cannot do per state law and work that has already been done. Washtenaw County treasurer Catherine McClary (Dem) Paulette Metoyer (Rep) District 1 county commissioner Jason Maciejewski (Dem) Rod Anderson (Rep) District 2 county commissioner Sue. 2020 Nov 3 :: General Election :: County Treasurer :: Washtenaw County.

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