The materials contain frequent references to variety of races, ethnicities, and backgrounds. Nevertheless, this section is missing the Articles of Confederation. The text covers all areas that one would expect from an introduction to American Government textbook. (Read Madeleine Albright's Britannica essay on democracy.) The index is clear and useful and the chapter glossaries are The concepts represented in the text also make case teaching via policy/politics news easy, even if the textbooks examples were to be stale - - which they are unlikely to be. font-weight: 400; The introduction and the summaries are useful starting and ending points for the reader and the addition of thoughtful critical thinking questions plus the keyword pages are another useful addition to the work. United States Government: Our Democracy, Student Learning Center Online interactive website, accessible with login and password. The United States Government Manual. In some cases, students are somewhat overwhelmed by the amount of information presented in the text, but I have found that guiding their attention to certain key sections can help to avoid this obstacle. I look at these minor issues as an opportunity for teachers to clarify in lecture, rather than deal-breaking issues. In recent years rather than being an efficient mechanism for collective decision-making and progress, democracy seems to be fueling discord, division, and distrust of the other side. Having learning objectives at the beginning of each subsection (not just in a chapter) could help students stay focus on important takeaways. Chapter 2: The Origins of American Government - A timely set of examples, nicely updated through the beginning of the Trump presidency. read more. From the founding and Constitution to the major institutions of Congress, Courts, and the Presidency, these major areas are Also, where is David Hume? I did not see anything that I would say is not accurate, as much as a couple items that need to be updated, but that is discussed below. But chapters are broken up into 5 or so modules, so it could be assigned that way. The accuracy of this text is equivalent or higher than any introductory text I am familiar with. However, I always start American Government with a discussion on political culture and that seems to be missing. There were a few places where the order within the chapter was slightly distracting (the media chapter comes to mind), but this was not a major issue. You have a solid editing staff doing well to ensure a good syntax throughout the book. Whenever the next update does occur, I would strongly suggest change the order of the paragraphs so Part 4 comes after Part 1. At the same time, I should point out that, at least in my view, the book is organized in an unconventional way. I have detected nothing in the text that could be considered culturally insensitive or offensive. Very clearly explains important concepts; I can use my own assignments to require graduate level thinking and expand on the complications/interactions of the text concepts, etc. Though I had trouble accessing the PDF and online versions, it appears to have been an issue with the browser I was using at the time. I like to 'build' my curriculum from a variety of sources; this book could provide a foundation. First President of the United States. It is easily the equal of most other traditional textbooks on the market now. Reviewed by Brian Jones, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Political Science, Northern Virginia Community College on 6/20/17, The comprehensiveness of Krutz's American Government text is such that it more than adequately addresses the curricular requirements of the American government and politics courses offered by the Virginia Community College System. United States Government: Our Democracy (2016) Publisher: McGraw-Hill . The material is easily divisible. Students and the System 2. Each chapter is clearly divided into main sections with learning objectives, and there the text is further divided under clearly delineated sub-section heads. The text covers all areas that one would expect from an introduction to American Government textbook. United States Government: Our Democracy 2018 - McGraw Hill For many such students, the clarity in organization will further help clear any obstacles in understanding the political system. Maybe not from top to bottom, but often enough that it is a concern. The textbook is structured in a logical manner with chapters that have clearly defined subareas that more than adequately provide students with an understanding of American government. This text can definitely be broken down not only by chapter but by sections. PDF The Crisis of - ed These issues are prevalent in American political and social life, and have been accentuated during the first term of President Trump. } Faculty involved in the project have endeavored to make government workings, issues, debates, and impacts meaningful and memorable to students while maintaining the conceptual coverage and rigor inherent in the subject. I set up an assignment for my students to respond to a question based on the discussion in this section in an online class. Each unit has three to four sub units that can easily be assigned in different readings This is the type of written activities I use in the classroom, specifically teacher driven selected chapter readings. I like the "Feature Boxes" with the "Get Connected!" Concerns: Textbook lacks yearly/semester pacing guide, limited ability to edit teacher resources . Current and updated; the textbook has a wealth of information ad applicable activities. The text interface is good. While each citizen only has a small say, they do have some say in how the government is run and who runs the government. Electoral case studies provide for a story within a history. The book is consistent, though I think its framework of effective engagement could have been implemented more consistently. But I would rather have it smaller so I I do not see the natural connection that ties those topics together. This textbook is perfect for my American government course that I teach to undergraduates at the community college level. All of the topics you would expect to be covered in an American government 101 course are here: origins of our republic, institutions, individual action and collective action. The text contains no grammatical errors that jumped out at me which is quite an accomplishment in such a voluminous text. The textbook's content is accurate, free from errors, and unbiased. Answer Key Chapter 2 - American Government 3e | OpenStax The red links in areas of the textbook are distracting. I would consider using this textbook in my American Government 101. I wish the footnotes included links back to main text. But that does not render it an invalid tool. The book is clearly and accessible written. Might be using this text in the spring of 2020, Reviewed by Amedee George, Professor, SUNO on 4/23/19, The chapters in the Kurtz et al e-book covers all relevant chapters of American Government and even offers chapters on Foreign policy, Domestic policy and State and Local government. Mediating Institutions and Collective Action 4. Student Web Activity Visit the United States Government: Democracy in Action Web site at and click on Chapter 13 Student Web Activitiesfor an activity about constitutional rights. The text offers a consistent presentation of terms situated within a logical and approachable framework for college students. The hyperlinks are effective for those who want to review the source and to learn more. Not every one covers Civil Rights and Liberties or Foreign and Domestic Policy, but this text does offer a chapter on each of those. These gaps give the impression that the text has not been properly edited to make sure that text and images are combined the best possible way. al have done so in this text. Reviews. United States Government Our Democracy Textbook PDF Book Details . The text is also 100% iPad compatible. The terms is not introduced again in the public opinion chapter. Students may find it annoying. Regarding 7.3 Direct Democracy, although I understand why it is where it is currently, I think that the concept needs to be covered earlier in the text (time of American founding perhaps or even in the first chapter if possible). Constitutional Democracy - This course must give freshman students the conceptual baseline tools to advance to the next grade. I like the additional chapter on State and Local Government (Chap 14). In the case of the United States, that power is exercised indirectly, through elected representatives. It dedicates entire chapters to state and local government, domestic policy, and foreign policy. This textbook is very clear and straightforward. Chapter sections are easily divisible and do not overwhelm the reader with too much information in any single subheading. Reviewed by Andrew Thangasamy, Associate Professor, Metropolitan State University of Denver on 8/28/20, In terms of content, the textbook has all the chapters one normally expects from an introductory American Government textbook. This is disappointing but not fatal as I can update in class using the overhead. It covers all the areas that may be taught in an American Government intro class. It provides the necessary information for a student who wants to learn about the American governmental process. Differentiation strategies as well as project-based learning materials are included. Instead the chapters information jumps around and the data needs organizing. I suspect some will like this placement and others not, it is likely a matter or preference, but is worth noting. Everything is going to be okay. read more. It seems to be equal to any 'standard' Am Gov text. This textbook is perfect for my American government course that I teach to undergraduates at the community college level. Unlike many other textbooks, it has a separate chapter on State and Local government which I think would be useful as I found it is helpful for students to understand the lower level governments in relation to the federal government when discussing American politics. I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster and everyone else has a seat belt. Includes pre-built and customizable tests and quizzes, with a variety of question types to provide critical practice for high-stakes assessments. The content is up-to-date including most of the Trump presidency, which is helpful for students' understanding and familiarity. The only section that I would point to specifically that I think could be improved significantly comes in Chapter 2, Section 5 and the discussion of Constitutional Change. And I would rather see the civil rights and liberties grouped with discussion of the constitutional framework and courts, while voting and elections are groups with parties and media. Voting is one way to participate in our democracy. This is a hard aspect of any textbook. United States Government: Our Democracy, Student Edition Hardcover full-color textbook divided into chapters and lessons, with table of contents, atlas, glossary, and index, 952 pages]. The Bill of Rights. The material in the book is relevant and up to date with current politics and elected officials. . Material is presented in an unbiased manner without any noticeable errors. One designed to be looked at online, another one that is essentially a replica of the printed version. Diverse student populations will appreciate this aspect of the text. The foundational material in each chapter/section is relevant and the examples used to explain/apply such material is more up to date than many for profit books I have read. Greek city-state or polis b) New England town meeting c) Abandoned as size of towns increased and issues became more complex 2. The textbook is well-written and clear. Reviewed by M. Victoria Perez-Rios, Adjunct Assistant Professor, La Guardia Community College on 5/21/18, The textbook is very comprehensive with more than 650 pages of content plus appendices with relevant documents. "in order to" was overused. I also very much like the end of the chapter contents. This is an excellent question. The chapters relating to State & Local Government plus Domestic & Foreign Policy (14,16 & 17) are an added bonus although I will not assign these whole chapters in the Intro course due to time restrictions. The textbook is ideologically neutral throughout, with one exception. Modularity in this textbook is handled well. Concept 1: Foundations of Government . Delivering Collective Action: Formal Institutions 5. The text is free of interface issues; charts and graphics are clear and are explained and analyzed. There certainly is enough relevant and timely material to assign a chapter per week for the one semester Intro type class, especially when combined with the supplementary material noted above. The text then moves through its substantive topics in a coherent manner with useful transitions between topics. United States Government Our Democracy Textbook PDF One particular aspect related to the question of comprehensiveness was the authors decision to include a chapter on state and local government. This text could very easily replace the book I have used this revised book on our United States Government. The chapters have a mix of history, current facts and evidence along with key concepts traditional of American government texts. Here, citizens vote for their government officials. I believe ample coverage of diverse viewpoints and experiences are made use of in this text. In the balance, I would say that the textbook does not do as good a job of providing multiple viewpointsor being honest about its own orientationsas those that are professionally published. Actually, I think it is. While things may change quickly in American government, a lot stays the same. The coverage and scope is presented in a way that is well organized, concise, and engaging. Zip. The topics in the text are presented in a clear and logical fashion. It also includes a chapter on state/local politics, which is a unique addition to the textbook. While I am generally unfamiliar with how open-resource textbooks are supposed to be ideally positioned, the book provides excellent navigational tools on the left side of the bar that made it easy for me to find what I wanted. The Links to Learning and Insider Perspective features in the text help to enrich the material without breaking the overall flow of discussion. ISBN: 9780076634538. References are balanced--not exclusively conservative or liberal--and include non-partisan resources.This text appears to be carefully edited and reviewed. Our students love videos---was it a conscious decision not to include video links? My concern about the text are the hyperlinks and how they are integrated within the content. But I would rather have it smaller so I can add what I think is important than have too much material overwhelm the students. Overall, this is a very good text. United States government (2003 edition) | Open Library 266-267, and the Electoral College, the idea of achieving a tie vote is irrelevant. Federalism. The work provides a comprehensive overview of both the formal and informal political institutions that one would expect to find in an introductory-level American Government text. According to Locke individuals held authority through a divine power that existed in the people that formed the basis for the "fountain of authority"? The textbook includes many illustrations, photographs, and examples that are recent enough for students to be able to relate to without much difficulty. Useful explanation with visual of common goods & excludability; unitary, federation and confederation; contents/concepts of Constitutional amendments. This is probably a sensitive issue. read more. read more. Here again I suggest that there are too many long blocks of text to read made even more so by the frequent "Note" sections expecting students to further read about key court cases. For example, could chapter 8 be divided into six or eight sections? For their effort and expertise, I commend them and those who have supported this project. ACT & SAT Practice Books. The authors updated the contents reflecting current events and political landscape. I have used this text this semester (fall 2017) here at Penn State Berks with good success. That is as comprehensive or more comprehensive than other textbooks I have used. There are some lapses here. United States Government Democracy in Action Student ~ United States Government Democracy in Action Student Edition GOVERNMENT IN THE 1st Edition by McGrawHill Author 43 out of 5 stars 14 ratings ISBN13 9780078799822 ISBN10 0078799821 Why is ISBN important ISBN This barcode number lets you verify that youre getting exactly the right version or edition of a book It is very comprehensive and covers all the necessary information. Following United States Government: Our Democracy, Complete Classroom Set, Digital, 1-year subscription, United States Government: Our Democracy, Complete Classroom Set, Digital, 6-year subscription (set of 30), United States Government: Our Democracy, Complete Classroom Set, Print (set of 30), United States Government: Our Democracy, Complete Classroom Set, Print and Digital, 1-year subscription, United States Government: Our Democracy, Complete Classroom Set, Print and Digital, 6-year subscription (set of 30), United States Government: Our Democracy, Chapter Tests and Lesson Quizzes, United States Government: Our Democracy, Teacher Edition, United States Government: Our Democracy, Teacher Lesson Center, 1-year subscription, United States Government: Our Democracy, Teacher Suite, 1-year subscription, United States Government: Our Democracy, Teacher Suite, 6-year subscription, United States Government: Our Democracy, Student Edition, United States Government: Our Democracy, Student Learning Center, 1-year subscription, United States Government: Our Democracy, Student Suite, 1-year subscription, United States Government: Our Democracy, Student Suite, 6-year subscription. The text is extremely consistent. This book is very comprehensive. Reviewed by Eileen Feldman, Instructor, Bunker Hill Community College on 11/20/20, This text, American Government 2e by Krutz and Waskiewicz, covers all areas and ideas of the subject appropriately beginning with the origins of each political construct, through its evolution in America, and trends into the future. Although I found having a chapter on Bureaucracy toward the end of the textbook unconventional, overall organization of the topics covered in the text are presented in a logical fashion. This text could very easily replace the book I have used Comprehensive in terms of concepts and how they related to current ideas. A Constitutional Democracy Interactive Notebook, which works for both print and Google Drive, investigates and helps gain an understanding of how the federal, state, and local governments in the United States work under the Constitution and the responsibilities of citizenship. I don't see how you could read text meant for an 8.5 by 11 inch page on a smart phone. Given the nature of an American politics course, I don't frequently see my colleagues, nor do I, order concepts much differently than they are ordered in this book. In the table of contents, chapter 17 is titled "Chapter 17: Foreign Polict.". I am also happy it comes in a printed version. United States Government: Our Democracy 2018. Nice level of reading; grammatically correct. read more, The chapters in the Kurtz et al e-book covers all relevant chapters of American Government and even offers chapters on Foreign policy, Domestic policy and State and Local government. While no text does a perfect job at inclusiveness, I was impressed at the myriad examples of diverse cultural experiences incorporated throughout the text. United States Government Manual - Getting Started As mentioned above, I found the text slightly denser than the average textbook for an Introduction to American Government class. The process of Amending the Constitution is under developed. One of the strengths of the Krutz text; each chapter format patterns the same learning styles and methods. Reviewed by John Herbert, Instructor, Anoka-Ramsey Community College, Coon Rapids, MN on 6/15/19, The material offered more than meets the appropriate standard for a textbook used in a first or second year course in American Government and Politics. It would be useful to have the endnotes at the end of the chapters. The supplemental materials (graphs, charts, figures, etc.) Reading and writing support such as guided notes, vocabulary pop-ups, and graphic organizers help improve understanding of the content. The Charter of the OAS was signed in Bogot in 1948 and entered into force in . Students will develop an appreciation for the value of citizenship and civic . But as I noted above, the unhelpfulness of bolded terms can be genuinely confusing and are inconsistent (Katie Holmes gets bolded? There is an additional chapter on State & Local government aside from the chapter on federalism - which offers instructors an option to discuss state & local government as well. For example, section 1.3 shows up as not converted. The authors certainly did not skimp on providing information nor did they fail to provide source material in most instances. $47.96. This textbook is very comprehensive. for only $40. This may just be me, but I take issue with this statement from page 9, "Democracy and capitalism do not have to go hand in hand." I do think you have to have a free market to have democracy, although it might be a regulated market. The president can also send troops into battle, and nominate individuals to serve in the cabinet or on the Supreme Court. For the most part, this book does as good a jobif not betterat sidestepping this capsules in time and offering something that need not be edited or updated often (though, some updates are always necessary as government is constantly evolving). I am especially impressed by its multi-dimensional approach to topic coverage. The overall structure moves formal institutions to the back of the book which is different than how I structure my course but the chapters are modular and allow the professor to assign chapters independently and mix and match to lecture chapters. Effective participation 3. . The textbook is very comprehensive with more than 650 pages of content plus appendices with relevant documents. PDF Us Government Democracy In Action Teacher Edition From the origins of the US political system, the constitutional framework, participatory inputs, formal institutions, and public policy, the major points are addressed. Many different races, backgrounds, ethnicities are presented to give the reader a well-rounded picture of how all different groups participate in the American governmental process. There are currently no items in your shopping cart. For example, the chapter on political parties has a nice section about divided government and political polarization (section 9.4), and the chapter on Congressional representation does a nice job of recognizing both the growing diversity of Congress as well as the continued ways in which Congress is less diverse than the American public (section 11.3). Such being said, I believe this textbook is far ahead of other options I have seen as far as modularity and the ability for the instructor to chunk portions of the chapter for the assigned reading each week. Of course, this is a college textbook and there is much to learn, my recent experience is that if the volume of the reading appears ominous such may not be read in whole or be comprehended as well as the instructor may have hoped. This textbook covers all the main topics need for American government 101. The text's interface is similar to any American Government textbook and has clear charts, tables, and numerous features that are clear and unobtrusive. 978-5-8592-8019-3. Likewise, the reasoning in Chapter 9 Political Parties as to why we have only two major parties lacks depth. Text is well written and provides adequate context for necessary political science terminology. In addition the appendix with major judicial cases will withstand the passing of time and it isn't difficult to add a couple of relevant cases per judicial year and then review the choices every four or five years. 1. On the other hand, on the divisive topic of LGBT rights, the discussion is pretty even-handed, adopting what is certainly the modal vocabulary of political science regarding these complex issues. There seem to be problems with the formatting, though that could just be on machine, with some not converted paragraphs. The text contains no grammatical errors of any significance. Teachers Edition:The print Teacher Wraparound Edition is built on the principles of Understanding by Design. But the book helpfully highly new and key phrases, and uses plentiful figures and sidebars to improve clarity. American Government is a very comprehensive textbook. The pros and cons of government regulation of group activity (spending) are both presented accurately, and the student is asked to make their own determination. Defining Democracy 1. Uses contemporary examples, but not in depth cases that may be needed in higher level courses. List of forms of government - Wikipedia Textbook solutions. I would have preferred more of this, but the book was adequate in this regard.
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