
wild west bass trail entry fees

2022 APEX CHAMPIONSHIP FOLSOM LAKE TOP-10 BAITS, Late-Day Upgrade Puts Wilson Atop APEX Championship on Folsom, Apex Angle: Ken Mahs Big Bite Flipping Set Up. In the event of a polygraphexamination, contestants may have tournament prizes withheld until such testing has been concluded. 7 LIABILITY INSURANCE: During the open practice and competition days of any WWBT tournament, no contestant may operate a boat unless that contestant has documented proof of a minimum of $300,000 per occurrence boat owners liability insurance (see participation agreement for full details) covering the boat being used in the tournament. Pros are encouraged to carry two Coast Guard approved chest-type life preservers per boat. Sunline Super FC Sniper Fluorocarbon 5"-7" Paddle Tail Swimbait --- Find all of your tackle and gear from Tackle Warehouse #WildWestBassTrail Apex Angle: Chatterbaits in Springtime Alpha Angler ChatterBound - 7'2" Medium-Heavy Rod High speed reel Z-Man Chatterbaits 17 lb. ARIZONA TEAMS FINAL ENTRY DEADLINE: **With Late Fees** Roosevelt Lake May 22, 2021 Register Now! No portable gas tanks or containers capable of holding gasoline can be placed anywhere on the tournament waters or shoreline for use by any tournament contestant. June 10 is the registration deadline to avoid late fees. Tournament officials shall have no responsibility for finding missing partners. I also hereby grant GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series the exclusive right to reproduce, digitize and edit the Work at GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series sole discretion, to publicly perform, publicly display and distribute the Work in any advertising, promotion, and production-related to the Project or any related program produced by GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series. June 17 is the hard deadline. A contestant must not allow any bass caught by him/her to be counted on the score of another contestant. These rules may be changed by WWBT immediately upon notice to its members. Refusing to comply may result in a penalty or tournament disqualification. of Environmental Conservation . Team Trail & Federated Club For each legal dead bass presented to weigh-in officials, the contestant shall be penalized 0.25 pounds per dead fish to be deducted from their daily score. 4 PARTICIPANTS AND ELIGIBILITY: This tournament is open only to current members of WWBT who are 18 years of age or older (Pro entrant). The rights granted herein shall not confer in myself any rights of ownership in the Project including, without limitation, the copyright thereto, all of which shall be and remain the exclusive property of GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series. If you don't see the email, check your spam folder. Any act deemed by WWBT officials to have the intention of preventing media coverage will result in disqualification from the event. Contestants must be present and be able to hear their names called at the official weigh-into be eligible for contingency prizes. Sunline Shooter Fluorocarbon Revenge Jigs Big Bite Baits Swimming Craw -- Find all of your tackle and gear from Tackle Warehouse To compete in any WWBT event you must have an active WWBT Annual Membership. 31. 44. I, THE UNDERSIGNED, hereby assign and grant to GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series, and/or any of its Subsidiaries the right and permission to copyright and/or publish photographs or video footage myself, (the Work) and the use of these photographs and video footage singularly or in conjunction with other photographs or video footage for television production and broadcast of the GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series, and any related art, advertising, internet usage, trade or any other similar lawful purpose whatsoever, including but not limited to, product packaging, posters, billboards, internet usage, endorsements, television and television commercials worldwide (the Project), without additional compensation by GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series and free and clear of any claim whatsoever on my part. Exact starting and check-in times will be announced at the Tournament Briefing. Wild West Bass Youth Series reserves the right to revoke these exceptions, and the angler must remove the tournament-related content if Wild West Bass Youth Series in its discretion believes the content is inappropriate or in any way violates other Wild West Bass Youth Series rules. 16 NON-SHARED WEIGHT FORMAT: Both Pro and co-anglers are responsible for his/her own (5) fish. Itis an obligation of contestants to refrain from public comments that unreasonablyattack or disparages the integrity of tournaments, tournament officials, sponsors, fellow members, fellow contestants or the WWBT organization. WWBT encourages Pro Anglers to assist Co-Anglers. If the tie is not broken by applying the foregoing procedures, the tie will remain a tie. IF mandate will NOT allow any gatherings of people, we may have to cancel the tournament. Presented by: Last Chance Performance Marine . 2023 Best 10 Trails in Harriman State Park | AllTrails Contestants shall, always, conduct themselves in a manner becoming of a professional that will not reflect unfavorably on WWBT, its members, sponsors, events or representatives. The WWBT Tournament Director or rules committee or such person designated by the Tournament Director shall have the discretion to determine the need for a polygraph examination. 6 Any different or additional penalties determined by the Tournament Director including but not limited to monetary fines and/or reduction of Angler of Year Points. The WWBT Tournament Director or his/her designee shall attempt to have the location of such polygraph examination as close in proximity to the anglers permanent address or such other mutually convenient location as possible. The decision of the Tournament Director, his/her designee, or the rules committee shall be final in all matters. However, penalties assessed will remain until a final ruling by the Appeals Committee. Violation of this rule shall be the reason for disqualification. WWBT recommends live wells be maintained at a full level and aerators/recirculators on manual. PRO-ANGLER. Contestants are encouraged to pre-sign for events giving them priority entry and also greatly helping the tournament organization with preparation details. Contestants may be allowed to compete under appeal. IF mandate is in place, Spectators to be limited to Parents/Guardians and siblings of anglers. TOWING BOATS: on trailers during tournament hours is prohibited, except by the direction of tournament officials. During practice and competition contestants cannot solicit, receive, or gather any information from anyone other than another contestant in the tournament. No spotlights or similar devices will be allowed in practice or during the events days to located fishing locations or fish. The Wild West Bass Trail is dedicated to showcasing the best anglers battling head to head on some of the finest lakes on the West coast. I also recognize that WILD WEST BASS YOUTH SERIES cannot guarantee anglers will always stay at least six (6) feet apart due to the inherent nature of angling and related educational events. if 5 dead fish are brought to the scales that bag is disqualified. Wild West Bass Trail. 1 The Tournament Director may impose actions or rulings deemed appropriate by them, which may include the following without limitation. When advised by state/local government bodies anglers must wear a cloth face-covering in public settings if they can be safely managed while near another angler, boat captain, spectators, or other persons in the vicinity. At the time of check-out, all contestants and their boats shall be in full conformity with all rules set forth by the Tournament Director. PERMITTED FISHING METHODS: Fishing is defined as having a lure attached to a line and a rod and reel with the rod in hand. Lake Oroville// Oroville // March 3rd-5th,2023, March 3, 2023 | 2023, News, Oroville Pro/Am 2023, ProAm. Repeated missed or late attendance may result in disqualification from the Lucas Oil Championship. Wild West Bass Youth Series wants to help promote both your brand and the sport of professional bass fishing through its multimedia assets. I also waive any right to inspect or approve the finished photograph or video or audio recording. 24. 49. Only Largemouth, Smallmouth, Spotted, and Redeye bass will be weighed. Pros will be assigned a boat number according to his/her take off position on day 1. Co-Anglers may only fish from the back deck or the lower passenger side seated positions. Membership HOW OLD ARE THE ANGLERS? They must consult with tournament director immediately. WILD WESTBASS TRAIL MOBILE APP: All contestants with a smartphone capable of downloading the WWBT mobile app must download the APP. TAXES: Participants are responsible for all applicable taxes, execution of all tax forms and rules on both cash and merchandise awards. Rules for special tournaments may differ from those contained herein. Presented by: Bridgford. THE OFFICIAL LENGTH FOR BASS: shall be determined by the Tournament Director and announced at the Tournament Briefing. Tournament officials reserve the right to restrict or enhance tournament waters based on conversations with local authorities. Scouting, pre-fishing or other practice related activities prior to or after weigh-in is not allowed once the tournament has begun. Other rigs as specified above may be in boat ready for use; however, only ONE is permitted in use at any given time. This number will remain with the Pro angler throughout the event. I also understand I must provide my personal cell number capable of receiving text messages from the Wild West Bass Youth Series. 37. Contestants must remain in the boat at all times except in case of dire emergency. SCORING: Tournament standings and final winners shall be determined by the total weight of each contestants catch during the competition days of the tournament. Contestants must have a valid fishing license for all tournament waters. Proof of insurance must be with the boat being used and must cover all passengers in that boat. TOBACCO PRODUCTS: The use of any tobacco products or smoking prior to/during takeoff, from check-in through weigh-in, and while cameras are present is prohibited. The take-off order will be reversed on day 2. 11 PRIZES: Prizes will be awarded after the tournament. I warrant that I am the parent or legal guardian of the minor described below and have the full right and authority to grant this consent on behalf of such minor. I, the undersigned, do hereby consent to the use by GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series of the image, voice, or both of the minor child under the age of 18 described below, in (1) the video, photograph, or audio recording described below; and (2) any video, photograph, or audio recording reproduced either in whole or in part from the video, photograph or audio recording described below: regardless of whether these materials are used for fundraising, advertising, publicity, or any other purpose on behalf of either the Wild West Bass Youth Series. 6) Gathering of people may be limited as mandated by state or local government. If one angler of the team is a Member of WWBYS ($37.50) but the other teammate is a Non-Member ($50), the total fee collected would be $87.50 for the team. Wild West Bass Youth Series may also request the Marshal/Observer operate these, or other (POV, smartphone, or other) cameras. LOGOS AND/OR SIGNAGE: Contestants are encouraged to wear his/her own clothing which may bear patches, logos and other signage promoting the anglers sponsors. CHAMPIONSHIP INVITATIONAL QUALIFICATION: CHAMPIONSHIP INVITATIONAL QUALIFICATION: Thetop 75Pros and Co-Anglers based on the Angler of the Year (AOY) points who fish 3 events will receive an invitation to the Championship Invitational. DISQUALIFICATION SUSPENSION: Any disqualification suspension from or other disciplinary action regarding any tournament or fishing organization shall be grounds for rejecting any application for participation in a WWBT tournament and/or disqualification from a WWBT tournament after circumstances are reviewed by the Tournament Director. Boat Captains, please fill out the boat captain membership form if you have not participated in a Youth Series event previously. ADVISORY BOARD: An Advisory Board will be established by WWBT. CO-ANGLERS MUST PLACE A CULL TAGON EACH FISH PRIOR TO PLACING IT INTO THE LIVEWELL. Testing of engines during the off-limits period is not permitted on tournament waters. Upon request, Pros must make a back seat available for co-anglers each competition day. 3 Disqualification from the current tournament. 2nd place receives 199 points + 50 participation = 249 points 28. The Tournament Director, at his/her sole discretion, may reassign partners prior to the morning take off. 63. Check the WWBT website for all deadline dates. TOURNAMENT BRIEFING: Notification of your first-day partner shall be made at the Tournament Briefing which MUST BE ATTENDED by all contestants. All such contact associated with engaging in events at the meetings or events within which anglers participate as members of WILD WEST BASS YOUTH SERIES it involves a certain degree of risk that could result in illness, injury, death, or loss or damage to person or property. I further attest that I have read this consent form and fully understand its contents. Marshals/Observers are not allowed to operate or work on the competitors personal cameras. 25. Co-anglers are not allowed to have more than six (6) rods. RULE OF TIMEKEEPING the official time is kept by the Tournament Director at all times once open practice has begun. 62. The limit shall be 5 of the above species and varieties per day unless otherwise specified by tournament officials (example hot weather/fish care concerns). Local pro Luke Johns turned in a convincing performance by catching the winning fish on a 1/4-ounce Owner football head with a 3.3 Keitech Swing Impact Fat. I(We) agree that I have fully read and accept the Official Rules of this Tournament. BASIC BOAT EQUIPMENT: During open practice and competition, every boat must have all required Coast Guard safety equipment as well as a functional bilge pump. Co-Anglers will articulate to the Pro and then call the Tournament Director in such emergency. VIOLATION OR INFRACTION: EACH CONTESTANT AGREES TO REPORT TO THE TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR IMMEDIATELY ANY VIOLATION OR INFRACTION OF ANY TOURNAMENTRULES. Changing or altering standard factory parts of a contestants engine to increase the horsepower over the factory horsepower rating is forbidden and will result in disqualification. A safe and courteous distance (50 feet) should be maintained when trolling motors are in use. 52. All contestants will receive 50 participation points. Special off limits and practice periods will be announced by WWBT. You may also live stream during a tournament. 4) Cloth face coverings are encouraged for anglers, boat captains, and spectatorsbut not requiredunless mandated by state/local government. The WWBT mobile APP allows WWBT officials to communicate with all its contestants. Must weigh a legal fish per tournament to receive AOY points for that event. Once a contestants catch is measured, counted and verified by a tournament official, that contestant may not return to the boat until their catch has been weighed and recorded. Every board member, volunteer, and angling family must evaluate their unique circumstances and make an informed decision before joining or participating in WILD WEST BASS YOUTH SERIES events, WE hope this information will be helpful as you make that choice. Anglers will be notified of any known rules infractions at the moment they are discovered or as soon as they are ruled upon by the tournament director. 32. WINNINGS. Permission is also granted to the WILD WEST BASS YOUTH SERIES and its affiliates including Directors, Boat Captains, and Team Parents to provide the needed emergency treatment prior to the childs admission to the medical facility. All such contact associated with engaging in events at the meetings or events within which anglers participate as members of WILD WEST BASS YOUTH SERIES it involves a certain degree of risk that could result in illness, injury, death, or loss or damage to person or property. In consideration for permission to voluntarily participate in tournaments, events, programs, and related activities conducted by GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series, I acknowledge, appreciate, and agree that the risk of injury, death, disability, loss, or damage to my person or property from the activities involved in this program is significant, including the potential for permanent paralysis and death and while rules, equipment, and personal discipline may reduce the risk, the risk of serious injury or death does exist. TIES: In case of ties for the Pro and Co-Angler divisions the tiebreaker will be determined by the (1) largest single days weight, (2) if the tie is not broken, largest number of legal fish weighed during competition, (3) if the tie is not broken, the next tiebreaker will be the largest number of legal live fish weighed during competition, (4) if the tie is not broken, the next tiebreaker will be the AOY standings. Failure to meet those obligations may result in a reduction of Angler of Year Points, fines and/or disqualification from all future WWBT Events. ProAm Championship Qualification includes the best 3 of 4 events. Operational navigation lights must be illuminated from takeoff to the first stop of each day. After payment is complete you will receive an email with a confirmation code. Run and Win with Lucas Oil Pros and Co-anglers will be randomly paired on day 3. 5) The weigh-in setup and procedure will be under the advisement of the adult supporting circuit and may include contactless weigh-in. Must have a valid receipt within 30 days of tournament. MEDIA: All official contestants of an event are required to cooperate with the media personnel that covers the event. bags which increase survival rate will be furnished by the Tournament Director and must be used for the weigh-in. Testing of engines after the weigh-in is only allowed with permission from the Tournament Director. Drive-thru weigh-in. PROTEST AND REPORTING PROCEDURE: ALL PROTESTS MUST BE BROUGHT TO THE TOURNAMENT DIRECTORS ATTENTION VIA VERBAL NOTIFICATION AND THEN SUBMIT A WRITTEN PROTEST WITHIN THIRTY (30) MINUTES OF THE LAST FLIGHT CHECK-IN TO THE TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR OR DESIGNATED TOURNAMENT OFFICIAL. I also accept all risk of injury, death, disability, loss, or damage to my person or property from this activity and event even if arising from the negligence of anyone associated with this event or other GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series events, its owners, employees, agents, representatives, affiliates, successors, and assigns from any and all claims or cause of action (known or unknown). 43. Wild West Bass Trail Register - Wild West Bass Trail | Facebook Diamond Valley Team OPEN | Wild West Bass Trail NO EXCEPTIONS! You may also grab photos from social media to promote yourself and the club. I, the undersigned, do hereby consent to the use by GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series of the image, voice, or both of the minor child under the age of 18 described below, in (1) the video, photograph, or audio recording described below; and (2) any video, photograph, or audio recording reproduced either in whole or in part from the video, photograph or audio recording described below: regardless of whether these materials are used for fundraising, advertising, publicity, or any other purpose on behalf of either the Wild West Bass Youth Series. ALL BASS WILL BE MEASURED ON A FLAT BOARD WITH THE MOUTH OPEN. 13) I, the undersigned, as the legal guardian or legal authority to execute this Individual Release and Hold-Harmless Agreement (Release), acknowledge and understand, that as an angler, parent of an angler, or legally responsible agent of an angler at selected events, Waive and release your right to sue GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series, its staff, officers, directors, volunteers, and/or members. 56. OFF LIMITS: May 29th- June 7th, 2023: PRACTICE: June 8th-9th: ENTRY DEADLINE: June 9th, 2023 with late Fee 100 boat cap. I, THE UNDERSIGNED, do knowingly and freely assume all risk referred to above, both known and unknown. FAQ | Wild West Bass Youth Series 2 The decision of the Tournament Director, his/her designee shall be final in all matters. Standings will reflect ties starting at place closest to first. Marshals/Observers are not allowed to operate or work on the competitors personal cameras. Wild West Bass Youth Series West Coast Championship 2021-2022 West Coast Championship Entry Fee $75 (Per Angler) Total $150 (Per Team) TEAM Registration, only one submission per angler, please. Boat numbers will be collected at each check-in. A voicemail or text message may constitute such communication. The WWBT reserves the right to refuse service to any potential contestant and enforce its tournament rules, including but not limited to this Rule and the Angler Code of Conduct and Sportsmanship Rule, at its sole discretion. Non-Member teams will pay a total of $100 per event. Member teams will pay a total of $75 per event. Click only ONE of the options below, to populate the correct amount due. Top 10 pro and co-anglers are REQUIRED for a mandatory meeting immediately following the weigh-in on Day 2. CONTESTANTS ARE ALLOWED TO LEAVE THE BOAT AND SEEK SAFE SHELTER IN BAD WEATHER WHERE DANGER MAY BE IMMINENT. During tournaments, Wild West Bass Youth Series may ask to mount a POV streaming camera in a competitors boat (the footage may be used in Wild West Bass Youth Series web or social media). In the event of an emergency arising out of serious illness, the need for major surgery, or significant accidental injury, I understand that every attempt will be made by the attending physician to contact me in the most expeditious way possible. In the event of an emergency arising out of serious illness, the need for major surgery, or significant accidental injury, I understand that every attempt will be made by the attending physician to contact me in the most expeditious way possible. Stick steering shall be as defined by the Tournament Director. This release is authorized and executed of my own free will, with the sole purpose of authorizing medical treatment under emergency circumstances, for the protection of life and limb of the named minor child, in my absence. This includes but not limited to: structure, dog food, fish habitat, bait balls or any substance that would enhance or hold fish in a particular area once the off-limits period begins and all the way through the conclusion of the event. I also understand I must provide my personal cell number capable of receiving text messages from the Wild West Bass Youth Series. Letchworth State Park has six main entrances. Unless for medical reasons they cannot wear a cloth face covering. A pre-Tournament meeting will be held online via Facebook Live/Instagram CONTACTS: Seth Starks - Director PAYOUT: 100% of WWBYS West Coast Championship Entry Fees go towards CASH SCHOLARSHIPS and PRIZES! I(We)agree to submit to a polygraph examination and understand that failure to pass the examination will result in disqualification. Must be present at awards to win. 11)Acknowledgethat COVID-19 can result in death or serious illness, as explained on the CDC website. Notice may be published on the WWBT Internet site at As Parent and/or Guardian of the named angler, I hereby authorize the diagnosis and treatment by a qualified and licensed medical professional, of the minor child, in the event of a medical emergency, which in the opinion of the attending medical professional, requires immediate attention to prevent further endangerment of the minors life, physical disfigurement, physical impairment, or other undue pain, suffering or discomfort, if delayed.

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