This Strategic Plan, for the period 2023 to 2028, builds on the achievements of the West Lothian Integration Joint Board (IJB) Strategic Plan 2019 to 2023 and sets out the Boards ambition for the continued development and improvement of health and social care services in West Lothian over the next 5 years. The service consists of: This will help to demonstrate areas that are already working well and areas that need to be improved upon. Watch as they share their accomplishments with joy, painting a picture of a bright future for mental health. Offering a range of support to people whose adverse life circumstances have had any impact on their wellbeing. If you are struggling with your mental health or have suicidal thoughts and require immediate attention please contact your doctor, NHS111 or one of the organisations listed here. Volunteering opportunities within a community garden. Moving into Health - Homeless Health Team is run by the Community Psychiatric Outreach Team. Staff teams are based in various locations and are managed by three team managers:-, AIMS Team - Christine McLure -, MHMW Team - Lisa McCoubrie-, Parenting Group work Team - Dale Marsters - Request it. We are specialist part of the Children and Young People's Mental Health Service. SCIO SC044528. Information, support and safe accommodation where available for women and children experiencing domestic abuse. Support for those who are victims/survivors of a crime. Creating social networks to reduce loneliness and isolation and offers peer support groups too. This support is offered both in and out of school settings. Community Treatments for Ultra high-risk patients, COVID 19 Vaccination:CYP with allergy/anaphylaxis, East Lothian Community Respiratory Pathway, Urgent Referral Pathway by Presenting Complaint (Flow Centre), HAH West Lothian REACT Rapid Elderly Assessment Team, IMProved Anticipatory Care and Treatment IMPACT, Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC) Cellulitis Pathway, Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC) DVT Pathway, Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC) PE Pathway, Western General Hospital Renal Colic Pathway, BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo), Tinnitus (unilateral or bilateral) and Hyperacusis, Atrial Fibrillation and Anticoagulation for Non-Valvular AF (NVAF), Cardiac Investigations for Breathless Patients, cCBT Chronic Pain with Depression or Anxiety, Community Treatment and Care Services (CTACS), Benign Lesion (Lipoma, Cyst, Haemangiona, Xanthelasma, Comedones, Granuloma), Benign Lesion (Skin Tags, Warts, Moles, Dermatofibroma), Suspicious Pigmented Lesions and Changing Melanocytic Naevi, Diabetes Edinburgh Community Diabetes Service, Feeling of something stuck throat (FOSSIT) Globus, Intermenstrual Bleeding/Irregular Vaginal Bleeding, FSH Testing for Menopause and Contraception, Advice on Pregnant or pre-pregnancy in individual with personal or FH of thrombosis, Inherited red cell disorders in pregnancy, Post-exposure Prophylaxis for Chicken Pox and Shingles (Varicella Zoster), Primary Care Laboratory Interface Group (PLIG), Grapevine Community Respiratory Support Service, Self-Management Support for LTCs Edinburgh, Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and Aspergers (Adults), Eating Disorders (Adults) and Cullen Centre, Mental Health (Psychology and Other Services), Book Prescribing and Reading for Mental Health, Computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Anxiety and Depression (Beating the Blues), cCBT Rheumatoid Arthritis with Depression, cCBT for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Mental Health after COVID Hospitalisation (MACH), Mental Health Occupational Therapy Services, Edinburgh Physical Activity for Mental Health, East Lothian Physical Activity for Mental Health, Midlothian Physical Activity for Mental Health, West Lothian Physical Activity for Mental Health, Scottish Infected Blood Psychology Service, Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) And Stroke, GP Access to CT for Suspected Cancer (No Clinically Obvious Primary), COVID End-of-Life Rapid Decline Pathway (Community), Diabetic Painful Peripheral Neuropathy (PPN), GP Access to CT Brain and MRI Lumber Spine- Neuroradiology, East Lothian Rehabilitation Service (ELRS), East Lothian Prevention of Admission (POA), Edinburgh Parkinsons Assessment Clinic (EPAC), Osteoporosis Fractures while on Treatment, Sudden Hearing Loss (Sensorineural) Paeds, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Functional Abdominal Pain (FAP), Feeding Difficulties in Infants Under 6 Months, Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH), Care Experienced Children and Young People, Tic Disorders (including Tourettes Syndrome), Osgood-Schlatters/Sinding-Larsen-Johnansson, Patella dislocation, subluxation/instability, Circumcision for religious or cultural reasons, Paediatric Urinary Incontinence and Constipation, Speech and Language Therapy (Children and YP), MIDLOTHIAN Urgent Referrals to IHTT April 2022.pdf. Many of these are organised on a Lothian-wide basis. Who is the support for? The power of people's lived experience enables us to provide pioneering . Alternately call on 0800 032 9768 or email Women N2 Work Are you trying to find work, a lone parent, suffering with a physical/mental health issue or have. One-to-one support for a range of different difficulties. Around 3,000 colleagues across NHS Lothian have developed Our Values, a set of common values and ways of working We support people on a one-to-one or group basis and our support is based on the five ways to wellbeing. In addition to adhering to the Children and Families Service Standards, we will; We take referrals from a range of agencies including social work, education and psychological services. - to the benefit of everyone working in the organisation and, most importantly - to the benefit of our patients. Counselling service for bereaved parents. Please give us your feedback on the website. To help make a difference in Scotland, TACC invites disadvantaged children to join the Tartan Army for My First Scotland Match (MFSM). For emergency referrals requiring same day input, please call MHAS (Mental Health Assessment Service) on0131 286 8137to discuss.MHAS is based at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital 24 hours a day. The Children & Young People Team evolved from the new community schools initiative and an integrated approach to service delivery. How we can help you - Samaritans. Acess2Employment's Wellbeing Team offer a wealth of knowledge and experience in coaching, mental health support and personal development to empower individuals in reaching their goals. From 12 midnight to 8am all urgent/emergency cases will be seen in the MHAS suite at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital.When to contact IHTT, If you have seen the person on the same day and you consider, You should contact us via the pager number above and the shift coordinator will call you back immediately to discuss your referral.What we will doWe will take the referral details and discuss with you the most appropriate course of action.If appropriate we will assess the person for the first appointment this is usually in a clinical setting, but ongoing appointments may be at home if suitable.The person will have a skilled mental health assessment to explore the best treatment options and agree a plan. The Receptionist will take some basic details and the shift coordinator will call you back. Health in Mind CAMHS support covers depression , problems with food and eating , self-harm , abuse, violence or anger , bipolar disorder , schizophrenia and anxiety . Health in Mind Training and resources to workers and volunteers from the Third Sector and the NHS about the adverse effects on mental health of smoking tobacco. SUPPORT, MOTIVATE, INSPIRE, LEAD, EMPOWER SCIO: SCO46166 S.M.I.L.E Counselling first became constituted on 15th June 2015. West Lothian Domestic and Sexual Assault Team (DASAT) offers confidential and friendly support to people who have experienced abuse. Other useful support and guidance Information on Mental Health Services available in the West Lothian area. 0131 537 8300. 11 St Andrews Street. The objective of the team is to improve attendance levels and raise attainment and life chances for the young people in West Lothian. Emergency support. 12/12/2022. gi.responsiveImage.initialiseResponsiveImage('c_0649cfd4-43a6-434a-84e9-e152adb92a54'); This workshop explores what wellbeing means and discusses challenges that prevent individuals from achieving positivewellbeing. The courses are afocused approachwith set outcomes and tasks designed to encourageindividuals to make decisions about their future and put the steps in place to reach their goals. A specialised service to adults and children in West Lothian who are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse. Its aim is to support neurodivergent children and young people in a space where they feel safe and secure in order to re-engage with learning. However you're feeling right now, you don't have to face it alone. Local Mental Health Services Acute Care and Support Team (ACAST) The ACAST service provides home treatment for adults under 65 years suffering acute mental health problems. Itincreases self-awareness and provides positivepractices toenhanceemotional and physical wellbeing.The workshop lasts approx 1.5 hours and is conducted by our advisers online via zoom. Use this form to report a problem with this service or group. Local Mental Health Services Information on Mental Health Services available in the West Lothian area. Workshops in self-acceptance, self-worth and self-love. West Lothian Older People's Community Mental Health Team (Post Diagnostic Support) Dementia Link Worker: community;Dementia;Alzheimer's;mental health; . They support people living in the community who have complex or serious mental health problems. A former Edinburgh retinopathy screener is to be awarded 11,500 as the result of an unfair dismissal and disability discrimination tribunal against NHS Lothian.. Lynne Buchan is set to receive the sum following the outcome where it was agreed that the health board failed in their duty to make reasonable adjustments to her following a workplace-related accident and subsequent prolonged period . We also provide selected services for patients in the Borders and in Fife and are a national centre of expertise for various specialties provided to people across Scotland. Listen & Link is a West Lothian Council phoneline service for children, young people and families who have concerns for the mental wellbeing of a child or young person in their household. Nick Clater, general manager of West Lothian Health and Social Care (HSCP) Mental Health team, told the meeting: "After the first 10 months of the pilot project, Police Scotland believe that . Each of the groups has set criteria and parents are matched to the group most appropriate for their needs.
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